Weather in Horsholm – April 2021




Very Cold 


The average maximum temperature during April 2021 in Horsholm was 10.7 Celsius, and that was around 2.5 degrees below normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 0.4 Celsius, and that was also 2.5 degrees below the monthly normal. Overall, it was the coldest April in the area since 2015, and the second coldest in the last 30 years.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 18.9 Celsius on the 19th, and this was the third day of a 4-day warm spell occurring just after mid-month. The temperature reached 17.5 Celsius on the 18th, with maxima exceeding 16 Celsius on both the 17th and 20th. The next highest temperature was 13.3 Celsius on the 29th, and there were only 8 other days when the temperature reached 10 Celsius or more. The coldest weather occurred early in April. The 1st was the only day during the first fortnight of the month when the temperature climbed above 10 Celsius. During the remainder of April, there were just 4 more of these colder days, these all occurring between the 22nd and 26th. On 6 of these cold days the temperature failed to rise above 8 Celsius, but only 2 days had maxima below 7 Celsius (45F). On the 8th a high of 6.9 Celsius occurred, with 6.3 Celsius recorded on the 5th.

There were no mild nights during April. On the 29th a minimum of 5.8 Celsius was recorded, with 4.8 Celsius occurring on the 17th. A further 3 nights had minima above 3 Celsius. None of these less cold nights occurred before mid-month. The coldest nights were generally around, and before, mid-month, although the 25th, 27th and 28th each had minima below minus 2 Celsius. The coldest night of the month was on the 14th when minus 3.1 Celsius was recorded.


April had 15 air frosts, and that was around 7 above the average. Air frost was absent on only 4 nights between the 3rd and 16th. A slight frost occurred on the 20th, and there were 4 consecutive nights of frost commencing on the 25th. Most of the frosts were slight, with only 5 nights having minima below minus 2 Celsius. However, 3 of the coldest nights occurred between the 25th and 28th.  


There were 25.6 millimetres of rain recorded during April, and that was very close to the average. Measurable precipitation fell on 14 days, and that was 4 days above average, and wet days (when 1 millimetre or more of rain was measured) numbered 6 days, and that was average for the month. Light rain occurred on the first 2 days of the month, but heavier precipitation on the 5th amounted to 7.4 millimetres. In an unsettled spell of weather that lasted until the end of the second week, rainfall was mainly light with only 1 day, the 11th with 7.6 millimetres, having a total above 2 millimetres. No rain was recorded between the 14th and 20th, but 2.6 millimetres fell on the 21st and each of the following 3 days had less than a millimetre of rain. The month ended damp with 2 millimetres falling on the 29th, with further light rain on the 30th.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


No thunder was heard in this part of Horsholm.


Sleet or snow fell on 2 days during April. On the 5th, sleet fell overnight with snow showers during the day, with a layer of snow settling on the grass. Sleet, then snow, fell mid to late morning on the 11th.


Winds were mainly from between southwest and northwest during April, accounting for over two-thirds of the daily observations. Northwesterlies were in the majority, with around 40% of the daily readings. Winds were quite strong during the first 10 days of April, and again at the beginning of the fourth week, otherwise the wind was gentle or moderate, but during the warm spell, light winds prevailed.  


There was no fog observed in Horsholm during the month.

Weather in Horsholm – March 2021



Rather Dry and often Cold 


The average maximum temperature during March 2021 in Horsholm was 7.9 Celsius, and that was around 0.5 degrees above normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was -0.2 Celsius, and that was about 0.5 degrees below the monthly normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 19.1 Celsius on the 31st, and 17.9 Celsius occurred on the 30th, but no other day had maximum temperatures above 14 Celsius. In fact, only 4 other days had maxima above 10 Celsius, with all of these milder days occurring after the 23rd. The first three weeks of March were often cold, and on 5 days the temperature failed to rise above 5 Celsius. The 2nd was the coldest with a high of 3.3 Celsius, with 4 of the coldest days occurring before the 11th. The exception was on the 19th, when a maximum of 4.1 Celsius was recorded.

There were no especially mild nights during March, although both the 29th and 30th had minimum temperatures of 7.7 Celsius. These were the only night-time values above 5 Celsius, although there were a further 6 nights with minima above 3 Celsius. All of these milder nights occurred between the 23rd and 30th. The coldest nights occurred during the first 3 weeks of March in 2 spells. The first spell, between the 1st and 10th, had some very cold nights with minima below minus 5 Celsius on 4 occasions. On 3 of these nights, the 8th, 9th and 10th, the temperature dipped below minus 7 Celsius. The coldest night was the 9th with a minimum of minus 7.9 Celsius, although the previous night was only 0.1 Celsius less cold. The second run of cold nights, from the 16th to the 22nd, was less severe, with the lowest temperature of minus 3.3 Celsius occurring on the 18th.


March had 16 air frosts, and that was around 2 above the average. Apart from the 2nd, when a minimum temperature of 0.6 Celsius occurred, each of the first 10 days of March had an air frost, and on only 3 nights was the minimum temperature above minus 3 Celsius. The other frosty nights were between the 16th and 22nd, but with only 1 night having a minimum below minus 3 Celsius.  


There were 42.8 millimetres of rain recorded during March, and that was around 20% below the average. Measurable precipitation fell on 16 days, and that was 1 day below average, and wet days (when 1 millimetre or more of rain was measured) numbered 8 days, and that was 4 days below average for the month. Although there was occasional rain during the first 10 days of the month, it was light, and the total for this period was only just over 1 millimetre. However, there was a total of 15.2 millimetres on the 11th, followed by 4 millimetres on the 12th, and another 10.2 millimetres on the 13th. The 14th and 15th both had 1 millimetre or more, but then it was mostly dry until the 27th. Rain totalling 8.2 millimetres occurred between the 27th and 29th, with the wettest day, the 28th, having 3.8 millimetres.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


No thunder was heard in this part of Horsholm.


Sleet or snow fell on 2 days during March. On the 11th, rain turned to sleet, then wet snow, overnight with 1 centimetre of lying snow by morning. The snow turned back to rain around mid-morning and had thawed by evening. Sleet and wet snow occurred overnight and early in the afternoon on the 13th, but it did not settle.


Winds were often from the southwest during March and accounted for 55% of the daily direction observations. Another third of the days had northwest winds, whereas those having an easterly component accounted for less than 10% of the daily observations. The strongest winds were generally during the second and third weeks, with the lightest winds occurring during the first 10 days of the month.  


There was fog on each of the first 3 mornings of March, and although it lifted into misty low cloud on the afternoons of the 1st and 2nd, it persisted all day on the 3rd.

Weather in Horsholm – February 2021


A Month of Extremes 


The average maximum temperature during February 2021 in Horsholm was 3.4 Celsius, and that was around 1.5 degrees below normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was -3.3 Celsius, and that was more than 3 degrees below the monthly normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 15.2 Celsius on the 25th, and that’s over 10 degrees above average. The 23rd had a high of 13.9 Celsius, and a further 3 days had maxima above 10 Celsius. All of the very mild days occurred between the 21st and 25th, but the last 3 days of the month each had maxima above 8 Celsius. Every day between the 1st and 19th had maximum temperatures below 3 Celsius, with the 5th, 6th and 7th particularly cold. The 7th had a high of minus 2.7 Celsius, but on both the 5th and 6th the temperature failed to rise above minus 3.3 Celsius.

There were 3 mild nights during February, and they were consecutive nights beginning on the 23rd. Minima were 5.6, 5.8 and 4.8 Celsius respectively. The only other night with a minimum above 2 Celsius was the 26th when 2.7 Celsius was recorded. During the first 15 nights of February there were some very low temperatures. On 9 nights minima were below minus 7 Celsius, and on 3 consecutive nights, the 12th, 13th and 14th, minimum temperatures were below minus 10 Celsius. The lowest values were minus 14.0 Celsius on the 12th and minus 12.1 Celsius on the 13th.


February had 19 air frosts, and that was around 7 above the average. The first 17 nights were frosty, and the last 2 nights of the month had frost. The frosts were severe with 12 of the first 15 nights of February having minima below minus 5 Celsius. There was continuous frost from late afternoon on the 2nd until late morning on the 13th, and the sea froze on many coasts during the second week of the month. It was the most extreme spell of cold weather in the area since December 2010.  


There were 20.4 millimetres of rain recorded during February, and that was only around 40% of the average. Measurable precipitation fell on 12 days, and that was 7 days below average, and wet days (when 1 millimetre or more of rain was measured) numbered 7 days, and that was 2 days below average for the month. Much of the precipitation fell as snow and the water equivalent was quite small with only 4.4 millimetres measured during the first 16 days of February. Snow, then sleet, on the 17th, gave 12.2 millimetres, and as the thaw accelerated 1 millimetre fell on the 18th, and the thaw was complete on the 19th, a day that had 2.6 millimetres of rain. The remainder of the month was largely dry.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


No thunder was heard in this part of Horsholm.


Sleet or snow fell on 8 days during February, but apart from on the 16th and 17th, the snow was light and powdery. Snow lay on the ground from the 28th January until the 18th of February, a total of 22 days, but the depth was only 1 or 2 centimetres, except on both the 16th and 17th when 4 centimetres were measured.


During the cold spell the wind was from between north and east and accounted for a third of the daily observations. During the milder weather winds were between south and west, and also accounted for a third of the observations. Around the middle of the month and through the third week the direction was variable. The winds were light or moderate on many days, with the lightest winds generally occurring in the second half of the month. Some of the coldest days had the strongest winds. The 9th and 10th both had fresh or strong northeast winds and on these days the temperature only rose to minus 2.1 and minus 1.6 Celsius respectively.  


No fog was observed on any days at 0900 UTC but it was very misty at times when the milder weather arrived during the third week.

Weather in Horsholm – January 2021



Very cold and Snowy 


The average maximum temperature during January 2021 in Horsholm was 2.3 Celsius, and that was around 2 degrees below normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was -1.7 Celsius, and that was also close to 2 degrees below the December normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 8.1 Celsius on the 21st, but there were only 2 other days with maxima above 5 Celsius. They were the 20th and 22nd, with highs of 6.3 and 6.8 Celsius respectively. A further 5 days had temperatures above 3 Celsius, with the mildest weather generally occurring in the fourth week of January. On many days (11), the highest temperature was between 1 and 2 Celsius, but on 6 days it was colder. On 2 days the maximum temperature was below minus 1 Celsius, with minus 1.7 Celsius recorded on the 15th, and minus 1.5 measured on the 29th.

There was almost a complete lack of mild nights during January. The mildest night between the 1st and 19th was only the 1.1 Celsius that occurred on the 11th. The 3 consecutive days 20th, 21st and 22nd were slightly less cold with minima of 2.2, 4.7 and 2.3 Celsius respectively. In fact, out of the 7 nights beginning on the 19th, only the 23rd, with a low of minus 0.5 Celsius, had a minimum below freezing. The lowest temperatures occurred around the middle and end of the month, and on 6 occasions the minimum was below minus 5 Celsius. Minus 8.7 Celsius was recorded on the 16th and minus 7.9 Celsius was measured on the 30th.


January had 22 air frosts, and that was around 9 above the average. A total of 15 of the first 18 nights had frost, but it was often slight, with 10 nights having a minimum temperature between zero and minus 1 Celsius. After some milder nights, the last 6 in January had minima below minus 2 Celsius.  


There were 54.2 millimetres of rain recorded during January, and that was over 20% above the average. Measurable precipitation fell on 19 days, and that was 1 day below average, and wet days (when 1 millimetre or more of rain was measured) numbered 15 days, and that was average for the month. Apart from 2.2 millimetres of rain on the 1st, precipitation during the first 18 days was either sleet or snow. On most days, the total was below 3 millimetres, but 5.8 millimetres were recorded on the 7th, over 6 millimetres fell on the 10th, and 4.8 millimetres were measured on the 13th. Rain fell on the 20th and amounted to 10.2 millimetres, with further rain on the 22nd adding 5 millimetres to the total. Precipitation during the rest of the month was either sleet or snow, with no daily totals above 2 millimetres.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


No thunder was heard in this part of Horsholm.


Sleet or snow fell on 12 days during January, with the second and last weeks of the month being particularly snowy. No large amounts accumulated, but the ground was more than half covered with snow on 19 mornings. On most days 1 or 2 centimetres were recorded, but on the 6th a depth of 3 centimetres was measured, with 4 centimetres lying on the 8th.


Despite the cold weather, southwesterly winds were again dominant in January and accounted for around a third of the daily observations. This was closely followed by northwesterly winds, with those from the southeast trailing some way behind. The wind was mostly gentle or moderate, but on the 2nd it was flat calm all day. Some stronger southwesterly winds occurred during the second week, and a strong southeasterly breeze blew on the 21st.  


There was thick fog on the morning of the 2nd.

Weather in Horsholm – December 2020

Cloudy and Wet 


The average maximum temperature during December 2020 in Horsholm was 5.6 Celsius, and that was around 0.5 degrees below normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 2.8 Celsius, and that was close to 1 degree above the December normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 8.4 Celsius on the 22nd, with 8.1 Celsius recorded on the 6th, and 8.0 Celsius on the 18th. There were a further 5 days with maxima above 7 Celsius, including 3 consecutive days beginning on the 15th. No particularly cold days occurred during December, but on 12 days the maximum temperature was below 5 Celsius. The coldest days were the 11th and 25th, with both having a maximum temperature of 2.9 Celsius. The only other maximum below 4 Celsius occurred on the 26th, when 3.8 Celsius, although each of the last 9 days of December had maxima below 5 Celsius.

Several mild nights occurred during December, and on 6 occasions the temperature stayed above 5 Celsius. The third week of the month had most of the milder nights, with 4 nights between the 16th and 21st having minima above 5 Celsius. However, the mildest nights were the 7th and 14th, with 6.2 and 6.5 Celsius respectively. December was an unusually cloudy month. In fact, the sun only appeared on 6 days in Copenhagen, and just 3 days in Roskilde. The cloudy nights generally prevented temperatures from falling particularly low, especially early in the month. Of the 10 nights when the temperature fell below 2 Celsius, only 2 of these colder nights occurred before the 23rd. The lowest temperatures occurred on the 25th and 26th, with minima of minus 3.3 and minus 4.2 Celsius respectively.


Only 2 air frosts occurred in December, and that’s 6 below the average. However, on 5 nights the temperature dipped to between 0 and 1 Celsius. All of these low temperatures, except 1, occurred between the 23rd and 28th, with the exception being on the 3rd, when a minimum temperature of 0.7 Celsius was recorded.  


There were 64.8 millimetres of rain recorded during December and that was around 40% above the average. Rain fell on 22 days, and that was 2 days above average, and wet days (when 1 millimetre or more of rain was measured) numbered 14 days, and that was also 2 days above average. In an unsettled month, much of the rain was light and drizzly, but on the 6th, a total of 11.2 millimetres were measured, making it the wettest day of the month. On 15th there was a further 7 millimetres of rain, with 5.8 millimetres on the 17th, another 10.4 millimetres on the 27th, and 5.8 millimetres again on the 31st.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


No thunder was heard in this part of Horsholm.


Light sleet fell on the afternoon of the 3rd, with sleet and wet snow late in the afternoon and during the evening of the 27th, but the snow did not settle.


December was a month of southeasterly winds, with this direction accounting for more than half of the monthly observations. On most other days the wind blew from between south and southwest. The southwest wind was particularly strong on the 26th, and the southeasterly even stronger on the 27th, otherwise on most days the wind was moderate or fresh, with only 4 days when the average wind could be considered as being light.  


Although several days were quite misty, no fog was present at the time of the morning observation.

Weather in Horsholm – November 2020

Very Mild and Dry


The average maximum temperature during November 2020 in Horsholm was 9.7 Celsius, and that was around 2 degrees above normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 5.5 Celsius, and that was close to 3 degrees above the November normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 17.2 Celsius on the 2nd. this was exceptional, with many places across Denmark recording their highest November temperature for 52 years. Abed on Lolland was officially the mildest place on that day with a high of 17.7 Celsius. In Horsholm, the second mildest day was the 1st, with a high of 13.4 Celsius, but there were 13 other days when the temperature rose above 10 Celsius. All the mildest days occurred in 2 spells, encompassing the 1st to the 8th, and the 13th to the 19th. Up to, and including, the 26th, the only day with a maximum temperature below 8 Celsius was the 11th when a maximum of 7.7 Celsius occurred. After the 26th, it became much colder. The temperature reached 6.0 Celsius on the 27th, but only 1.4 Celsius on the 28th, and it was even colder on the 29th with a high of 0.6 Celsius. The last day of the month was slightly less cold with 3.3 Celsius.

The first 2 nights of the month were very mild with minimum temperatures of 11.4 and 10.6 Celsius respectively. The only other night with a minimum above 10 Celsius was the 15th when 10.1 Celsius was recorded. Many other fairly mild nights occurred during November. especially during the first half of the month. In fact, there were only 2 nights in the first 18 with lows under 5 Celsius. The lowest of these was on the 8th when 3.2 Celsius was measured. From the 19th until the end of the month there were 10 nights with minima below 5 Celsius and on the 27th the temperature fell to minus 1.4 Celsius.


There were 5 air frosts during November. On the 20th the temperature fell to minus 1.0 Celsius, and each of the last 4 nights of the month had frost. However, the frosts were slight, and on each of the last 3 nights of November the minimum temperature was above minus 1 Celsius. 


There were 9.2 millimetres of rain recorded during November and that was only around 20% of the average. Rain fell on 24 days, and that was 4 days above average, and wet days (when 1 millimetre or more of rain was measured) amounted to just 2 days, and that was 9 days below average. On many days dew or overnight fog, rather than rain, was responsible for adding to the monthly total, and on other days the rain that fell was light. The highest totals measured were 1.6 millimetres on the 27th and 1.2 millimetres on the 30th.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


No thunder was heard in this part of Horsholm.


Light snow fell early in the morning on the 29th and gave a thin covering on some surfaces. The snow thawed during the morning. Occasional sleet occurred during the evening of the 29th with a little sleet and wet snow falling in the early hours of the 30th, but no snow settled.


November was another southwesterly month with 23 of the daily observations having winds from between south and west, with southeasterly winds occurring on 5 of the remaining days. Winds were light or gentle for much of the second and third weeks, and also at the end of the month; otherwise moderate or fresh breezes prevailed, and on the 19th the southwesterly wind was strong.  


Patchy fog was observed on several nights, but none was present at the time of the morning observation.

Weather in Horsholm – October 2020


The average maximum temperature during October 2020 in Horsholm was 13.3 Celsius, and that was less than 0.5 degrees above normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 6.8 Celsius, and that was very close to the October normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 17.8 Celsius on the 3rd, but 2 other days had maximum temperatures above 17 Celsius, with 17.3 Celsius recorded on the 2nd and 17.4 Celsius registered on the 5th. There were only 4 other days with maximum temperatures above 15 Celsius, with 3 of these milder days occurring during the first week. The other mild day was the 22nd when a high of 15.1 Celsius occurred. On most days (16) the temperature peaked at between 11 and 14 Celsius, but on 5 occasions it was cooler. However, all maxima stayed above 10 Celsius, with the lowest values of 10.3 and 10.4 Celsius occurring on the 15th and 30th respectively.

A few mild nights occurred during October, mainly, but not exclusively, in the first week of the month. On the nights of both the 2nd and 3rd minimum temperatures of 14.2 Celsius were measured, with the next highest minimum, 12.2 Celsius, occurring on the 22nd. There were a further 4 nights having minima above 10 Celsius with these milder nights spread as far apart as the 1st and 31st. It was cold on several nights during October, especially around the middle of the month. In total, there were 9 nights with minimum temperatures below 4 Celsius, with all of these colder nights occurring between the 11th and 20th. On 5 nights, all between the 15th and 19th, the temperature fell below 2 Celsius. The coldest night was the 19th with a low of minus 0.9 Celsius.


There were 3 air frosts during October. On both the 16th and 17th the temperature fell to minus 0.6 Celsius, with the aforementioned minus 0.9 Celsius on the 19th. 


There were 47.6 millimetres of rain during October, and that was about 35% below the monthly average. Rain fell on 23 days, and that was 1 day above average, and wet days, when 1 millimetre or more of rain was measured, amounted to 14 days, and that was 1 day below average. The first 3 days of the month were dry, but on the 4th, 8.4 millimetres of rain fell, making it the wettest day of the month. A further 6 millimetres fell on the 6th, and rain was measured on each day between the 4th and 13th, although on most days amounts were small. After 4 dry days commencing on the 14th, rain fell on every day during the remainder of the month, except the 20th. However, the highest totals were only 4.2 millimetres on the 21st and 3.6 millimetres on 22nd. Each of the last 4 days of October had less than 1 millimetre of rain.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


No thunder was heard in this part of Horsholm.


No sleet or snow was observed in this part of Horsholm.


October was a ‘southwesterly’ month with winds from between south and west accounting for over 60% of the daily observations. East or northeasterly winds at the beginning of the month were quite strong, but the fresh or strong winds were mainly from the south or southwest and occurred during the third week and at the beginning of the fourth.  


Patchy fog was observed overnight on the 11th, and again on the 31st, but it lifted into low cloud well before mid morning.

Weather in Horsholm – September 2020


The average maximum temperature during September 2020 in Horsholm was 19.2 Celsius, and that was less than 1 degree above normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 9.1 Celsius, and that was a degree below the September normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 26.2 Celsius on the 15th, but 9 other days had maximum temperatures above 20 Celsius, including highs of 24.7 Celsius on the 14th and 23.2 Celsius on the 27th. On many days (13) maximum temperatures were between 16 and 19 Celsius, but there were a couple of cooler days. On the 17th, a high of 15.1 Celsius was recorded, and on the 25th the temperature failed to rise above 14.9 Celsius.

A few mild nights occurred during September, and on 11 nights the minimum temperature was above 10 Celsius. However, only 3 of these milder nights occurred after mid month. The mildest night was the 27th when 15.6 Celsius was recorded, but only 2 other nights had lows above 13 Celsius, the 4th and 14th with 13.8 and 13.3 Celsius respectively. On many nights (13) the minimum temperature was between 7 and 10 Celsius, but there were a few cool nights. On 4 occasions the minimum was under 5 Celsius. The 1st, 17th and 22nd each had minima between 4 and 5 Celsius, but the 18th had a low of 2.9 Celsius, the coldest night of the month.


No air frost occurred during the month. 


There were 48.6 millimetres of rain during September, and that was about 20% below the monthly average. Rain fell on 13 days, and that was 3 days below average, and wet days, when 1 millimetre or more of rain was measured, amounted to 7 days, and that was also 3 days below average. Although occasional rain fell during the first 24 days of September, daily totals were small with the highest only 3.2 millimetres on the 8th and 2.6 millimetres on the 9th. In fact, between the 13th and 24th less than 1 millimetre of rain was measured. The total for the first 24 days of September was just 13.4 millimetres. Heavy rain fell on the morning of the 25th, causing local flooding, and by the end of the day 24.2 millimetres had fallen. A further 10.2 millimetres fell on the following day, but less than 1 millimetre of rain fell during the last 4 days of the month.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


No thunder was heard in this part of Horsholm.


No sleet or snow was observed in this part of Horsholm.


High pressure was dominant through much of September and winds were less strong than normal. During the first half of the month the southwesterly breezes were quite brisk at times, but very light winds prevailed for most of the third week and the beginning of the fourth week. Thereafter, winds were often from the east, but mainly gentle or moderate in strength.  


Patchy fog was observed overnight during the third week, but none appeared to linger beyond mid morning.

Weather in Horsholm – August 2020

Warm and Summery



The average maximum temperature during August 2020 in Horsholm was 24.2 Celsius, and that was around 2 degrees above normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 12.6 Celsius, and that was close to the August normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 30.4 Celsius on the 9th, but 8 other days had maximum temperatures above 28 Celsius, including highs of 30.1 Celsius on the 16th and 29.9 Celsius on the 8th. There were a further 4 days when the temperature rose above 25 Celsius. The very warm spell was sandwiched between the 6th and 18th, but most other days had highs between 20 and 25 Celsius. A decrease in temperature occurred after the 23rd, with 5 of the last 8 days of August having maxima below 20 Celsius. The 27th was the coolest of these days with a high of 16.7 Celsius, although the following day was only a little less cool with a high of 16.9 Celsius.

A few rather warm nights occurred in August. On the 11th the temperature only fell to 17.3 Celsius, and on the 22nd a low of 17.0 Celsius was recorded. There were 3 more nights with minima above 15 Celsius, including the 2nd when a low of 16.3 Celsius occurred. On most nights the temperature dropped to between 10 and 15 Celsius, but some chilly nights occurred at both ends of the month. On 5 occasions the temperature dipped below 10 Celsius, with 2 of these cooler nights having minima under 8 Celsius. On the 4th a minimum of 7.8 Celsius was recorded, with 7.3 Celsius measured on the last day of the month.


No air frost occurred during the month. 


There were 74.6 millimetres of rain during August, and that was close to the monthly average. Rain fell on 10 days, and that was 10 days below average, and wet days, when 1 millimetre or more of rain was measured, amounted to 7 days, and that was 8 days below average. The first 18 days of the month were completely dry, but then a few bursts of rain occurred on the morning of the 19th. In the afternoon torrential rain fell. At one time the rainfall rate was 125 mm/hr and in a 10 minute period over 12 millimetres of rain were recorded. After 90 minutes the rain ceased but over 55 millimetres had fallen during this period and the total for the day was 58.2 millimetres. The rest of the month was changeable with only 3 completely dry days. However, daily rainfall totals were mostly small. The only day with a total above 3 millimetres was the 27 th when 5.2 millimetres of rain were measured.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


Thunder and lightning were observed on the morning of the 19th, and during the heavy rain in the afternoon of the same day.


No sleet or snow was observed in this part of Horsholm.


The run of predominantly westerly winds was broken during August, and although there were some northwesterly winds during the first few days of the month, breezes from between south and east dominated during the very warm spell. Later in the month, west to northwesterly returned, ushering in the cooler weather. Even the westerly winds were generally no more than moderate in strength, and on most days winds were light or gentle, and often calm in the evenings. The exception, was on the 19th when strong southwesterly gusts occurred in association with the heavy afternoon rain.  


No fog was observed in this part of Horsholm.

Weather in Horsholm – July 2020

Cool and Changeable


The average maximum temperature during July 2020 in Horsholm was 19.8 Celsius, and that was around 3 degrees below normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 11.2 Celsius, and that was about a degree below the July normal. Overall in Denmark it was the coolest July for 22 years.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 26.5 Celsius on the 19th, and that was the only ‘summer day’ (when the temperature reaches 25 Celsius). However, the 18th was pleasantly warm with a high of 24.8 Celsius, and the temperature also rose above 23 Celsius on the 17th. The temperature exceeded 20 Celsius on 11 other days, with 7 of these less cool days occurring between the 20th and 28th. The early part of the month was particularly cool, and of the 14 days with maxima below 19 Celsius, only 2 occurred after the 16th. Between the 4th and 12th there were 6 days with highs below 18 Celsius, and on both the 4th and 7th maxima were 16.6 Celsius. However, the coolest day of the month was the 10th when 15.4 Celsius was recorded.

There were no warm nights during July, but the temperature only fell to 14.2 Celsius on the 5th, and on 7 other nights the temperature stayed above 13 Celsius. The warmest of these nights was the 1st, with a low of 13.9 Celsius, and the 28th, when 13.7 Celsius was recorded. Several cool nights occurred during July, and on 9 occasions the temperature fell below 10 Celsius. Most of the coolest nights (7) occurred between the 7th and 16th. On the 9th a low of 7.6 Celsius was recorded, but on the following night it was colder with 6.3 Celsius measured.


No air frost occurred during the month. 


There were 45.7 millimetres of rain during July, and that was around 10% below average. Rain fell on 19 days, and that was 7 days above average, and wet days, when 1 millimetre or more of rain was measured, amounted to 12 days, and that was 4 days above average. Rain was recorded on the first 8 days of July, and although most of it was light, 11 millimetres were measured on the 4th, with a further 5.8 millimetres on the 5th. and 5.2 millimetres on the 7th. Some dry days then occurred, and after 4.2 millimetres on the 15th, there were 8 consecutive dry days. Rain fell on each day during the last week of July, but much of it was light with the highest totals being 3.8 millimetres on the 24th and 3.4 millimetres on the 26th.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


No thunder was heard in this part of Horsholm.


No sleet or snow was observed in this part of Horsholm.


July was a ‘westerly’ month with winds predominantly from the southwest on 17 days, and from the west or northwest on 6 days. Breezes from the east were totally absent, although on 4 occasions a south-southeasterly wind blew, with 3 of these days occurring during the last week. The wind was light at times during the second and third weeks, but generally a moderate or fresh breeze blew with the windiest days occurring during the first and last weeks of the month.  


No fog was observed in this part of Horsholm.