Weather in Horsholm – December 2022



Cold, Rather Dry, but some Snow


The average maximum temperature during December 2022 in Horsholm was 3.0 Celsius, and that was over 2 degrees below normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was -1.5 Celsius, and that was around 3 degrees below the monthly normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 9.4 Celsius on the 31st. but only 9 other days had maxima above 5 Celsius. All of these less cold days occurred after the 19th and included highs of 7.6 Celsius on the 20th and 8.9 Celsius on the 29th. Prior to the 20th, the highest temperatures were 4.4 Celsius on the 19th and 4.3 Celsius on the 1st. The first 6 days of the month each had highs between 2 and 5 Celsius, but between the 7th and 18th, maxima only exceeded 1 Celsius once, and that was on the 14th when 1.3 Celsius was recorded. There were 5 frost days (when the temperature fails to reach freezing point) during this cold spell, and on the 12th and 16th maxima were minus 3.2 and minus 2.9 Celsius respectively.

There were very few mild nights during December, although 6.2 Celsius was recorded on the 31st, and 6.0 Celsius on the 29th. Only 4 other nights, the 20th, 21st, 22nd and 30th had minimum temperatures above 3 Celsius. The coldest nights mainly occurred between the 6th and 19th, with 7 nights having minima below minus 7 Celsius. On 4 of these very cold nights the temperature fell below minus 11 Celsius, including the 16th and 17th with lows of minus 13.7 and minus 14.2 Celsius respectively.


Air frost occurred on 16 nights during December, and that was 8 nights above the average. A total of 14 frosts occurred between the 6th and 19th, with much of the frost moderate or severe, except at either end of the period. The other 2 nights with frost were the 23rd and 24th with minima of minus 0.5 and minus 5.1 Celsius respectively.


Data unavailable.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


There was no thunder heard this part of Horsholm.


Sleet or snow occurred on 8 days during December and lay on the ground on 11 days. Sleet and wet snow fell overnight on the 3rd and again during the evening but failed to settle. Further sleet occurred in the early hours of the 4th. Snow showers, heavy at times occurred from mid morning until early afternoon on the 7th and it accumulated to a depth of 13 cm. Light snow showers occurred on the 9th, with sleet and snow showers on the 10th. The depth of snow stayed at 12cm between the 9th and 12th, but decreased to 10 cm on the 13th. Light snow late in the evening did not add to the depth, nor did the light snow showers overnight. However, snow showers overnight took the depth back up to 12 cm on the morning of the 15th. Thereafter, no more snow fell and the depth steadily decreased, with no more than a few patches remaining by the morning of the 19th.


Winds were mainly gentle or moderate east to northeasterly at the beginning of the month, backing northwesterly at the onset of the cold spell, but becoming increasingly southwesterly as milder air encroached from the west. The last fortnight of December was dominated by winds from between southeast and southwest, and although the breezes were mainly gentle or moderate at first, fresh winds prevailed on the last few days of the year.  


No fog was observed in Horsholm during the mornings, although freezing fog patches were observed on the coldest evenings and nights.

Weather in Horsholm – November 2022


Very Mild and Rather Dry


The average maximum temperature during November 2022 in Horsholm was 9.1 Celsius, and that was around 1 degree above normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 6.0 Celsius, and that was almost 3 degrees above the monthly normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 14.8 Celsius on the 12th. but the temperature also reached 14 Celsius on the 8th, 9th and 11th. The mildest of these days was the 11th with a high of 14.4 Celsius. Each of the first 14 days of November had maxima above 10 Celsius, and the 15th had a high of 9.9 Celsius, but it then turned colder with no more days reaching 9 Celsius, although a further 5 days exceeded 7 Celsius. There were 5 days when the temperature failed to reach 5 Celsius. The 19th was the beginning of a brief cold spell, and on that day the temperature only reached 2.4 Celsius. The following 2 days were even colder with highs of 1.2 and 1.4 Celsius respectively. The 22nd had a maximum of 4.1 Celsius, and the only other day when the temperature was below 5 Celsius was the 30th with a high of 4.9 Celsius.

There were many mild nights during November, mainly because persistent cloud cover prevented radiative cooling. On 6 nights the temperature stayed above 10 Celsius, with 5 of these nights clustered between the 8th and 13th, the other very mild night was on the 1st when a minimum of 10.1 Celsius was recorded. On 3 of the other mild nights, the 8th, 11th and 12th, the temperature remained above 11 Celsius, with minima of 12.1 and 12.6 Celsius on the 11th and 12th respectively. On the first 16 nights of November the lowest temperature was 5.6 Celsius on the 5th. After the 16th, only 2 nights had minima above 5.6 Celsius. Those nights were the 25th and 27th with 5.8 and 6.2 Celsius respectively. There were just 5 nights with minima below 3 Celsius, with these all occurring between the 18th and 22nd. The least cold of these nights was the 18th with a low of 0.9 Celsius, but on the 20th the temperature dipped to minus 5.5 Celsius.


Air frost occurred on 4 nights during November. All the frosty nights occurred between the 19th and 22nd, but on 2 nights, the 19th and 22nd, the frost was very slight with minima of minus 0.3 and minus 0.1 Celsius respectively. The minimum on the 21st was minus 2.1 Celsius.


A total of 28.6 millimetres of rain was measured in November, which was around 20% below the monthly average. Measurable rain fell on 16 days, which was 4 days below the average. Only 3 wet days (equal to, or above, 1mm) occurred, and that was 6 days below normal. In a month where the sun appeared on only 8 days, mist, low cloud and drizzle predominated with daily rainfall totals barely measurable. The only days when precipitation amounted to more than 1 millimetre, were the 6th, 21st and 26th, with the wettest day, the 21st, having 3.4 millimetres of rain.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


There was no thunder heard this part of Horsholm.


Sleet or snow occurred on 3 days during November. On the 19th there were snow flurries in the late morning and early evening, but not enough snow to settle. Further snow flurries occurred in the early hours of the 20th, but again not enough to settle. Showery snow fell overnight on the 21st and continued until late morning. A layer 4 centimetres deep covered the ground by mid morning, and although no further snow fell, large patches remained on the grass and gardens until late afternoon on the 22nd.


The very mild first half of the month was dominated by winds from between southeast and southwest. It was often breezy, and the wind became strong for a while just after mid-month as the transition to colder weather took place. Generally, winds were lighter in the second half of November and blew from between southeast and northeast. Unusually, there were no sustained northwesterly winds during the month.  


No fog was observed in Horsholm during the month, although many days and nights were misty.




Weather in Horsholm – October 2022

Mild and Dry


The average maximum temperature during October 2022 in Horsholm was 14.8 Celsius, and that was almost 2 degrees above normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 8.7 Celsius, and that was also around 2 degrees above the monthly normal. It was the 4th or 5th mildest October since national records began in 1872.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 19.6 Celsius on the 28th. This was the highest ever temperature in Denmark so late in the year. Officially, the mildest place in Denmark on that day was at Sjaelsmark a mere 8 km west of Horsholm. The maximum there was 19.5 Celsius. Although the maximum on the 28th was exceptional, there were many more very mild days. On 7 days the temperature rose above 16 Celsius, with the last of these very mild days occurring on the 30th when 16.2 Celsius was recorded. A further 8 days had highs above 15 Celsius. There were no particularly cool days, but on 3 occasions the temperature failed to reach 13 Celsius. The highest temperature on the 19th was 10.7 Celsius, with 11.2 and 11.3 Celsius occurring on the 20th and 21st respectively.

There were many mild nights during October, with some of the highest temperatures occurring towards the end of the month. The mildest night was the 5th with a minimum of 12.9 Celsius, but 11.9 Celsius was recorded on both the 6th and 27th, and 11.8 Celsius on the 28th. However, on a further 10 nights the minimum was between 10 and 11 Celsius, and 6 of these milder nights occurred after mid-month. Cold nights were rare during October. Only 4 nights had minima below 6 Celsius. The 4th and 17th had lows of 5.3 and 5.4 Celsius respectively, but the coldest nights were the 19th, when minus 0.4 Celsius was recorded, and the 20th when a low of minus 2.2 Celsius occurred.


Air frost occurred on 2 days; the evening of the 19th became frosty with the frost lasting until mid-morning on the 20th.


A total of 8.4 millimetres of rain was measured in October, which was around 12% of the monthly average. Measurable rain fell on 16 days, which was 7 days below the average. Only 2 wet days (equal to, or above, 1mm) occurred, and that was 13 days below normal. Mist, drizzle and dew contributed to the daily totals during the first part of the month, with mainly dry weather after the third week. The only 2 days with more than 1 millimetre of rain were the 8th, with 1.2 millimetres, and the 20th, when 3.8 millimetres occurred.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


There was no thunder heard this part of Horsholm.


No sleet or snow was observed in this part of Horsholm.


Winds from between south and west dominated during October and accounted for over three quarters of the daily observations. Otherwise, there were a couple of days with northwest winds early in the month, and another coinciding with the briefest of cool interludes at the end of the third week. Southeasterly winds also occurred on 3 days around the end of the third week. Winds were unusually light for October with no strong winds at any time during the month.  


No fog was observed in Horsholm during the month, although some nights were misty.

Weather in Horsholm – September 2022

Cool and Damp


The average maximum temperature during September 2022 in Horsholm was 17.4 Celsius, and that was over a degree below normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 9.3 Celsius, and that was around half a degree below the monthly normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 21.3 Celsius on the 7th, but the 2nd and 5th both had highs of 21.2 Celsius, and 21.0 Celsius was recorded on the 1st. The only other day when the temperature rose above 20 Celsius was on the 4th when 20.9 Celsius occurred. All of the first 10 days of September had maxima above 19 Celsius, but after the 10th, the only day with a high above 19 Celsius was the 12th with a maximum of 19.2 Celsius. On many days after the 10th (10), the temperature rose to between 16 and 18 Celsius, but some cooler days occurred, especially during the last week of the month. On 6 days the temperature failed to rise above 15 Celsius. One of those days was the 18th, with a maximum of 14.6 Celsius, the other 5 days were cooler and they all occurred at the end of the month. On 2 of the days, the temperature stayed below 13 Celsius. The maximum on the 27th was 12.7 Celsius, with 12.1 Celsius recorded on the 28th.

There were several mild nights during September, with some of the highest temperatures occurring during the early part of the month. On the 10th, a minimum of 14.2 Celsius was recorded, and 14.0 Celsius occurred on the 8th. A further 4 nights had minima above 13 Celsius, with all of these milder nights occurring before mid-month. Only 4 nights before mid-month had minimum temperatures below 10 Celsius, but after mid-month there were just 2 nights with lows above 10 Celsius. Although there were 9 nights with minima below 7 Celsius, including the first 2 nights of the month, only 2 nights of these colder nights had lows under 5 Celsius. On the 21st, a minimum of 2.7 Celsius occurred, with 3.8 Celsius recorded on the following night.


No air frost occurred in this part of Horsholm.


A total of 50.0 millimetres of rain was measured in September, which was around 10% below the monthly average. Measurable rain fell on 20 days, which was 5 days above the average. The first 6 days of the month were dry, but then measurable rain occurred on each of the following 7 days. Most of the rain was light, but 6.8 millimetres fell on the 8th, followed by 12 millimetres on the 9th. A dry day on the 14th was followed by another week with rain. Once again, much of the rain was light, but 11.4 millimetres fell on the 19th, with 7.0 millimetres measured on the 20th. It was dry between the 22nd and 24th, but rain was recorded on each day during the remainder of the month. However, the highest daily total was only 1.4 millimetres, this occurring on the 27th.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


There was thunder early in the afternoon on the 16th.


No sleet or snow was observed in this part of Horsholm.


It was another unusual month for wind directions with over half the days having breezes emanating from the southeasterly quadrant. Northwesterly winds only accounted for one fifth of the daily totals, and southwesterly winds were even less frequent. The breezes were mostly gentle or moderate in strength, with only one windy day. That day was the 8th when fresh or strong easterly winds blew during the afternoon and early evening.  


No fog was observed in Horsholm during the month.

Weather in Horsholm – August 2022


Warm and Dry


The average maximum temperature during August 2022 in Horsholm was 24.2 Celsius, and that was more than 2 degrees above normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 12.2 Celsius, and that was very close to the monthly normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 31.8 Celsius on the 4th, but 5 other days had maxima above 28 Celsius, including 3 consecutive days commencing on the 13th. On both the 13th and 15th maxima of 29.1 Celsius were recorded. The only high above 28 Celsius after mid month was on the 18th when 28.6 Celsius occurred. A further 6 days had maxima above 25 Celsius. Some less warm days occurred during the first and last weeks of the month, and on 4 occasions the temperature failed to reach 20 Celsius. There were 3 of these cooler days between the 5th and 7th, with a high on the 7th of 19.3 Celsius. However, the coolest day of the month was the 29th with a maximum of 19.1 Celsius.

There were several warm nights during August, with some of the highest temperatures occurring during the third week. On the 16th, a minimum of 19.1 Celsius was recorded, and a further 7 nights had minima above 15 Celsius, including a low of 16.7 Celsius on the 27th. Many nights (12) had minimum temperatures between 10 and 13 Celsius, but there were several cooler nights. On 7 nights the temperature fell below 10 Celsius, but only 3 of these cooler nights had minima below 9 Celsius. On the 2nd, a minimum of 7.4 Celsius was recorded, with 6.6 and 5.9 Celsius recorded on the 30th and 31st respectively.


No air frost occurred in this part of Horsholm.


A total of 38.8 millimetres of rain was measured in August, which was around 30% below the monthly average. Measurable rain fell on 13 days, which was 5 days below the average. Rain fell on each of the first 6 days of August, but only 8.2 millimetres were recorded in total, with the wettest day, the 5th, only having 4.0 millimetres. The following 9 days were dry, and although it was more unsettled immediately after mid-month, the period between the 16th and 22nd only yielded 4.4 millimetres of rain, and between the 23rd and 26th it was completely dry. On the 27th, it rained heavily, with 24.0 millimetres falling by the end of the day. This represented more than 60% of the monthly total. On the 28th, another 0.2 millimetres were added to the total, but the last 3 days of August were dry.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


There was a brief thunderstorm early in the evening on the 4th.


No sleet or snow was observed in this part of Horsholm.


It was an unusual month for wind directions with around half the days having breezes emanating from the southeasterly quadrant. On most other days northwesterly winds dominated, with only 2 days, the 6th and 7th, having winds from the southwest. The wind was also exceptionally light throughout the month, with moderate breezes only occurring on 3 days, all of which were in the first week of the month.  


No fog was observed in Horsholm during the month.

Weather in Horsholm – July 2022

Rather Cool and Dry


The average maximum temperature during July 2022 in Horsholm was 22.3 Celsius, and that was around half a degree below normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 12.6 Celsius, and that was very close to the monthly normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 30.5 Celsius on the 21st, and the temperature reached 30.0 Celsius on the 20th. However, there were only 4 more ‘summer’ days (when the temperature exceeds 25.0 Celsius). The warmest of these days was the 25th, with a high of 28.7 Celsius, and the 19th, when 26.5 Celsius was recorded. On most days (17), the maximum temperature was between 20 and 25 Celsius, but there were 8 cooler days. On 5 of these cooler days the temperature was between 18 and 20 Celsius, but 3 lower values occurred. On the 9th and 23rd, maxima were 17.8 and 17.7 Celsius respectively, but the coolest day of the month was the 27th with a high of 16.5 Celsius.

There were no particularly warm nights during July, but 3 nights had minimum temperatures above 15 Celsius. The 15th had a low of 15.8 Celsius, with 15.7 and 15.6 Celsius recorded on the 18th and 25th respectively. A further 5 days had minima between 14 and 15 Celsius. On most other nights the minimum was between 10 and 14 Celsius, but there were 3 exceptions. On the 11th, a low of 9.8 Celsius occurred, but the coolest nights of the month were the 28th and 29th with lows of 7.8 and 6.6 Celsius respectively.


No air frost occurred in this part of Horsholm.


A total of 36.2 millimetres of rain was measured in July, which was around 25% below the monthly average. Measurable rain fell on 17 days, which was 4 days above the average. On the opening day of the month 2.2 millimetres of rain fell, and only 2 of the first 9 days of July were dry. However, amounts of rain were generally small, with the highest total of 5.6 millimetres on the 7th. After 4 dry days, the 14th, 15th and 16th each had rain, with 6.4 millimetres falling on the 15th. Dry weather prevailed for 5 days, before another unsettled spell brought 7 days with measurable rain. However, the 25th, with 7.6 millimetres, was the only day with a total above 2 millimetres. The last 3 days of the month were dry.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


The first thunder of the month was late in the afternoon and evening of the 3rd, although amounts of rain accompanying the storms were negligible. A rumble of thunder occurred early in the evening on the 15th, with the final storms of the month observed for almost 3 hours from late afternoon on the 25th.


No sleet or snow was observed in this part of Horsholm.


The wind direction was mainly between southwest and northwest during July, accounting for around two thirds of the daily observations. A breeze from the south-southeast occurred on the 2 warmest days, and during the last week of July winds were mainly from the south. On most days, winds were gentle or moderate, but they were fresh at times on the 2 cool days just before mid-month.  


No fog was observed in Horsholm during the month.

Weather in Horsholm – June 2022

Very Wet and Cool


The average maximum temperature during June 2022 in Horsholm was 21.0 Celsius, and that was over a degree below normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 10.7 Celsius, and that was almost a degree below the monthly normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 28.9 Celsius on the 27th, and the temperature reached 28.3 Celsius on the 26th. However, there were only 3 more ‘summer’ days (when the temperature exceeds 25.0 Celsius), with all of these warm days occurring during the last week of June. In fact the highest temperature up until the 23rd was 22.0 Celsius. This was recorded on both the 5th and 11th. On 13 days the temperature failed to rise above 20 Celsius, with 10 of these cooler days occurring in the first half of June. On 5 days the temperature stayed below 17 Celsius. The maximum on the 19th was 16.9 Celsius, but the other low temperatures occurred in a particularly cool first week of June. The first 3 days of the month each had maxima below 17 Celsius, including highs of 16.4 Celsius on the 3rd, and 14.5 Celsius on the 2nd.

There were 3 warm nights during June. They were the 25th, 26th and 27th with minima of 17.1, 17.7 and 16.3 Celsius respectively. These were the only minimum temperatures above 14 Celsius, although there were 3 nights with minima between 13 and 14 Celsius. On many nights (14), the temperature fell to between 8 and 11 Celsius, but 4 cooler nights occurred, all of these during the first week of June. However, the only 2 nights with minima below 7 Celsius were the 2nd and 5th with lows of 5.3 and 5.0 Celsius respectively.


No air frost occurred in this part of Horsholm.


A total of 78.1 millimetres of rain was measured in June, which was around double the monthly average. The opening day of the month was the wettest with 17.2 millimetres of rain measured. Lighter rain fell on the 2nd, but this was followed by 3 dry days. The changeable weather continued, with 5.2 millimetres of rain falling on the 7th, and another 12.4 millimetres on the 12th. The 15th, 16th and 17th were dry days, but the 19th and 20th had 8.0 and 11.8 millimetres of rain. After 5 dry days between the 21st and 25th, heavy burst of rain gave 6.4 millimetres on the 26th, and another 8.6 millimetres fell on the 27th. The last 2 days of the month were dry.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


It was a very thundery month with storms occurring on 5 days. The first thunder was heard mid afternoon on the 1st, with 1 rumble occurring mid afternoon on the 12th. A thunderstorm occurred late morning on the 20th, with storms from high-level clouds occurring in the evenings of both the 25th and 27th. The thunderstorms on the 27th lasted for over two and a half hours and were quite intense at times, although bursts of rain were mostly short-lived.


No sleet or snow was observed in this part of Horsholm.


The wind direction pattern was mixed with south to southeast winds and northwesterly winds occurring in roughly equal numbers. Southwesterly winds were in short supply, and overall, winds were much lighter than average. The only gust above 15 knots occurred during a thunderstorm on the 27th when 20 knots from the northwest were recorded.  


No fog was observed in Horsholm during the month.

Weather in Horsholm – May 2022

Rather Wet with many Cool days


The average maximum temperature during May 2022 in Horsholm was 16.8 Celsius, and that was around 0.5 degrees below normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 7.0 Celsius, and that was 0.5 degrees above the monthly normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 23.6 Celsius on the 19th. Only 1 other day had a maximum temperature above 20 Celsius. That was on the 10th, when 20.2 Celsius was recorded. Apart from the 16th and 17th, which had maxima of 19.1 and 18.4 Celsius respectively, all daily highs were within the range 14 to 18 Celsius. A total of 7 days were at the higher end of the range, between 17 and 18 Celsius, and 6 days were at the lower end, between 14 and 15 Celsius. Although 3 out of the first 4 days of May had maxima below 15 Celsius, the coolest day of the month was on the 27th, when the temperature reached 14.3 Celsius.

There were no particularly mild nights during May, although on 3 nights the temperature stayed above 10 Celsius. The mildest night was the 19th with a low of 11.5 Celsius, but the 24th was not far behind with 11.2 Celsius. On 12 nights, including the last 7 nights of the month, minimum temperatures were between 8 and 10 Celsius, but several much cooler nights occurred early in the month. There were 10 nights with minima below 5 Celsius, with only 2 of these colder nights occurring after mid-month. On 7 out of the first 8 nights of May, the temperature fell below 5 Celsius, and on 3 of these nights the minima were below 3 Celsius. On the 2nd, a low of 1.4 Celsius occurred, with 1.8 Celsius measured on the 1st.


No air frost occurred in this part of Horsholm.


A total of 43.0 millimetres of rain was measured in May, which was 20% above the monthly average. There were 13 rain days, and that was normal for the month. The first 9 days of May were dry, and from the 9th April until the 9th of May less than 5 millimetres of rain fell. On the 10th, the total for the day was 3.4 millimetres, with 3.8 millimetres falling on the following day. No further totals above 3 millimetres occurred until the 24th when 4.0 millimetres of rain fell. The last week of May was very changeable, with 3.4 millimetres of rain falling on the the 27th, a further 10.0 millimetres on the 28th, and 4.6 millimetres on the 31st.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


A short-lived thunderstorm early in the afternoon on the 19th, brought to an end the very brief warm interlude.


No sleet or snow was observed in this part of Horsholm.


The wind direction pattern was fairly typical of May with winds from between southwest and northwest accounting for around 60% of the daily observations. Southwesterlies were dominant, but there was a sizeable proportion, around 25%, of winds between south and east. On most days, the wind was fairly light, but during the second and fourth weeks the breeze was fresh at times, this mainly blowing from a southwesterly direction.  


No fog was observed in Horsholm during the month.


Weather in Horsholm – April 2022

Cold and Wet, but also Sunny


The average maximum temperature during April 2022 in Horsholm was 12.1 Celsius, and that was around 0.5 degrees below normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 0.4 Celsius, and that was 2 degrees below the monthly normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 18.6 Celsius on the 21st and on the 22nd a high of 18.1 Celsius was recorded. However, there were only 4 more days with maxima above 15 Celsius. These warmer days were all clustered between the 18th and 23rd. Temperatures rose above 12 Celsius on every day after mid-month, but only 2 days in the first half of April had highs above 12 Celsius, and all maxima between the 1st and 11th inclusive were below 10 Celsius. Only 4 days had highs below 8 Celsius, with 3 of these days, the 1st, 2nd and 8th, having maxima below 7 Celsius. The coldest day was the 2nd with a maximum temperature of 5.2 Celsius.

There were no mild nights during April, and the highest minimum of 7.6 Celsius on the 14th, was the only night when the temperature stayed above 5 Celsius. On 3 other nights, the 7th, 13th and 22nd, the temperature fell to between 4 and 5 Celsius, and a further 3 nights had lows between 2 and 4 Celsius. On many nights, skies were clear and on several occasions (10) the temperature fell to within a degree of freezing, either above or below. On 4 nights it was much colder with minima below minus 3 Celsius. On the 12th a minimum of minus 4.4 Celsius was recorded, but the first 3 nights of the month also had minima of minus 4 Celsius or lower. On both the 1st and 3rd the temperature dipped to minus 5.9 Celsius, the coldest nights of the month.


There were 13 air frosts during April, and that was 3 more than normal. Frost was fairly evenly distributed through the month with 6 occurring before mid-month, and 7 during the second half of April. The frosts during the latter period were all slight with the lowest temperature minus 2.1 Celsius, this was recorded on the 16th. On 4 consecutive nights, beginning on the 25th, air frosts occurred, but the minimum during this spell was only minus 1.1 Celsius, this occurring on the 28th.


A total of 44.0 millimetres of rain was measured in April, which was 70% above the monthly average. There were 11 rain days, and that was normal for the month. Although the first 2 days of April were dry, a short unsettled spell produced some heavy precipitation. Daily totals included 14.2 millimetres on the 4th, almost 7 millimetres on the 6th, and 12.2 millimetres on the 7th. In fact, the period between the 3rd and the 8th accounted for almost 90% of the monthly rainfall. Between the 9th and the end of the month, just 4.8 millimetres of rain fell, with the 27th being the only day with more than 1 millimetre of rain falling. On that day, 3.2 millimetres were measured. Not only was it dry during the last 3 weeks of the month, it was also very sunny.


A soft hail/graupel shower was observed early in the morning on the 5th, and further soft hail showers occurred in the afternoon on the 8th.


No thunder was heard in this part of Horsholm.


A sleet shower occurred early on the 5th, and periods of sleet, then wet snow, occurred in the morning on the 6th, but no settling of snow was observed.


The wind direction pattern was fairly typical of April with winds from between southwest and northwest accounting for 60% of the daily observations. Southwesterlies were dominant and these also accompanied the windiest days, which were on the 4th, 8th, 9th and 10th. Overall, winds were much lighter than normal, with easterly winds producing the only breezy day during the last 3 weeks of the month.  


No fog was observed in Horsholm during the month.

Weather in Horsholm – March 2022

Extremely Dry and Sunny


The average maximum temperature during March 2022 in Horsholm was 9.1 Celsius, and that was around 2 degrees above normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was -1.8 Celsius, and that was almost 2 degrees below the monthly normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 16.1 Celsius on the 25th, but the temperature reached 15.4 Celsius on the 24th, and there were 3 other days with maxima above 13 Celsius. All the mildest days occurred between the 22nd and 27th, but another 7 days had highs above 10 Celsius. None of these remaining mild days occurred before the 13th, and the last 3 days of the month were also less mild. No particularly cold days occurred, and of the 18 days with maxima below 10 Celsius, only 7 had highs below 6 Celsius. Apart from the 30th, when a maximum of 4.2 Celsius was recorded, all of the coldest days occurred before the 12th. Only 2 more days had maxima below 5 Celsius. On the 1st, the temperature struggled to reach 4.4 Celsius, and the high for the day on the 5th was only 3.8 Celsius.

There were no mild nights during March, with the highest minimum being 3.8 Celsius on the 28th, and the next highest just 1.4 Celsius on the 17th. There were many cold nights, and on 12 of these the temperature fell below minus 3 Celsius, including 5 consecutive ones beginning on the 4th. On 2 of these coldest nights the temperature fell below minus 5 Celsius, with minus 7.1 Celsius recorded on the 5th. However, the coldest night of the month was the 31st when the temperature dipped to minus 8.2 Celsius.


There were 21 air frosts during March, and that was 7 more than normal. Frost occurred on 10 consecutive days at the beginning of the month, but the frosts on the 1st, 2nd and 10th were slight with minima above minus 2 Celsius. Only 1 frost occurred between the 11th and 18th – on the 15th -, but that frost was slight with a low of minus 0.7 Celsius. Between the 19th and the end of the month, there were just 3 frost-free nights, the 21st, 25th and 28th.


March was a remarkable month for rainfall. A total of 0.8 millimetres fell in Horsholm, but the 17th, with 0.2 millimetres, was the only day with rain heavy enough to trouble the rain gauge. On 3 other occasions, the 7th, 10th and 18th, the rain gauge collected 0.2 millimetres, but a combination of dew, melted frost and wet fog were responsible for the addition to the monthly total. Across Denmark, as a whole, it was the driest March since records began in 1874.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


No thunder was heard in this part of Horsholm.


A light snow shower fell late morning on the 30th but no settling occurred.


High pressure was dominant during March, and on a couple of mornings the pressure readings were close to 1050 millibars. Within the areas of high pressure winds were mostly light and skies were clear. In fact, it was the sunniest March in Denmark since records began 100 years ago with over 200 hours of sunshine. It was so sunny that the old record was beaten by a huge margin of more than 15%. No particular wind direction was dominant, and there were no noticeably windy days, although the southeasterly breeze was quite brisk between the 11th and 13th, and the southwesterly breeze on the 28th was quite fresh.  


There was occasional night-time fog that readily cleared, and on a few days around miid month misty low cloud prevailed. However, on 3 days the fog remained until late morning. Those days were the 8th, 9th and 16th.