Weather in Horsholm – December 2022



Cold, Rather Dry, but some Snow


The average maximum temperature during December 2022 in Horsholm was 3.0 Celsius, and that was over 2 degrees below normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was -1.5 Celsius, and that was around 3 degrees below the monthly normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 9.4 Celsius on the 31st. but only 9 other days had maxima above 5 Celsius. All of these less cold days occurred after the 19th and included highs of 7.6 Celsius on the 20th and 8.9 Celsius on the 29th. Prior to the 20th, the highest temperatures were 4.4 Celsius on the 19th and 4.3 Celsius on the 1st. The first 6 days of the month each had highs between 2 and 5 Celsius, but between the 7th and 18th, maxima only exceeded 1 Celsius once, and that was on the 14th when 1.3 Celsius was recorded. There were 5 frost days (when the temperature fails to reach freezing point) during this cold spell, and on the 12th and 16th maxima were minus 3.2 and minus 2.9 Celsius respectively.

There were very few mild nights during December, although 6.2 Celsius was recorded on the 31st, and 6.0 Celsius on the 29th. Only 4 other nights, the 20th, 21st, 22nd and 30th had minimum temperatures above 3 Celsius. The coldest nights mainly occurred between the 6th and 19th, with 7 nights having minima below minus 7 Celsius. On 4 of these very cold nights the temperature fell below minus 11 Celsius, including the 16th and 17th with lows of minus 13.7 and minus 14.2 Celsius respectively.


Air frost occurred on 16 nights during December, and that was 8 nights above the average. A total of 14 frosts occurred between the 6th and 19th, with much of the frost moderate or severe, except at either end of the period. The other 2 nights with frost were the 23rd and 24th with minima of minus 0.5 and minus 5.1 Celsius respectively.


Data unavailable.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


There was no thunder heard this part of Horsholm.


Sleet or snow occurred on 8 days during December and lay on the ground on 11 days. Sleet and wet snow fell overnight on the 3rd and again during the evening but failed to settle. Further sleet occurred in the early hours of the 4th. Snow showers, heavy at times occurred from mid morning until early afternoon on the 7th and it accumulated to a depth of 13 cm. Light snow showers occurred on the 9th, with sleet and snow showers on the 10th. The depth of snow stayed at 12cm between the 9th and 12th, but decreased to 10 cm on the 13th. Light snow late in the evening did not add to the depth, nor did the light snow showers overnight. However, snow showers overnight took the depth back up to 12 cm on the morning of the 15th. Thereafter, no more snow fell and the depth steadily decreased, with no more than a few patches remaining by the morning of the 19th.


Winds were mainly gentle or moderate east to northeasterly at the beginning of the month, backing northwesterly at the onset of the cold spell, but becoming increasingly southwesterly as milder air encroached from the west. The last fortnight of December was dominated by winds from between southeast and southwest, and although the breezes were mainly gentle or moderate at first, fresh winds prevailed on the last few days of the year.  


No fog was observed in Horsholm during the mornings, although freezing fog patches were observed on the coldest evenings and nights.