Weather in Horsholm – November 2022


Very Mild and Rather Dry


The average maximum temperature during November 2022 in Horsholm was 9.1 Celsius, and that was around 1 degree above normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 6.0 Celsius, and that was almost 3 degrees above the monthly normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 14.8 Celsius on the 12th. but the temperature also reached 14 Celsius on the 8th, 9th and 11th. The mildest of these days was the 11th with a high of 14.4 Celsius. Each of the first 14 days of November had maxima above 10 Celsius, and the 15th had a high of 9.9 Celsius, but it then turned colder with no more days reaching 9 Celsius, although a further 5 days exceeded 7 Celsius. There were 5 days when the temperature failed to reach 5 Celsius. The 19th was the beginning of a brief cold spell, and on that day the temperature only reached 2.4 Celsius. The following 2 days were even colder with highs of 1.2 and 1.4 Celsius respectively. The 22nd had a maximum of 4.1 Celsius, and the only other day when the temperature was below 5 Celsius was the 30th with a high of 4.9 Celsius.

There were many mild nights during November, mainly because persistent cloud cover prevented radiative cooling. On 6 nights the temperature stayed above 10 Celsius, with 5 of these nights clustered between the 8th and 13th, the other very mild night was on the 1st when a minimum of 10.1 Celsius was recorded. On 3 of the other mild nights, the 8th, 11th and 12th, the temperature remained above 11 Celsius, with minima of 12.1 and 12.6 Celsius on the 11th and 12th respectively. On the first 16 nights of November the lowest temperature was 5.6 Celsius on the 5th. After the 16th, only 2 nights had minima above 5.6 Celsius. Those nights were the 25th and 27th with 5.8 and 6.2 Celsius respectively. There were just 5 nights with minima below 3 Celsius, with these all occurring between the 18th and 22nd. The least cold of these nights was the 18th with a low of 0.9 Celsius, but on the 20th the temperature dipped to minus 5.5 Celsius.


Air frost occurred on 4 nights during November. All the frosty nights occurred between the 19th and 22nd, but on 2 nights, the 19th and 22nd, the frost was very slight with minima of minus 0.3 and minus 0.1 Celsius respectively. The minimum on the 21st was minus 2.1 Celsius.


A total of 28.6 millimetres of rain was measured in November, which was around 20% below the monthly average. Measurable rain fell on 16 days, which was 4 days below the average. Only 3 wet days (equal to, or above, 1mm) occurred, and that was 6 days below normal. In a month where the sun appeared on only 8 days, mist, low cloud and drizzle predominated with daily rainfall totals barely measurable. The only days when precipitation amounted to more than 1 millimetre, were the 6th, 21st and 26th, with the wettest day, the 21st, having 3.4 millimetres of rain.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


There was no thunder heard this part of Horsholm.


Sleet or snow occurred on 3 days during November. On the 19th there were snow flurries in the late morning and early evening, but not enough snow to settle. Further snow flurries occurred in the early hours of the 20th, but again not enough to settle. Showery snow fell overnight on the 21st and continued until late morning. A layer 4 centimetres deep covered the ground by mid morning, and although no further snow fell, large patches remained on the grass and gardens until late afternoon on the 22nd.


The very mild first half of the month was dominated by winds from between southeast and southwest. It was often breezy, and the wind became strong for a while just after mid-month as the transition to colder weather took place. Generally, winds were lighter in the second half of November and blew from between southeast and northeast. Unusually, there were no sustained northwesterly winds during the month.  


No fog was observed in Horsholm during the month, although many days and nights were misty.