Weather in Horsholm – October 2022

Mild and Dry


The average maximum temperature during October 2022 in Horsholm was 14.8 Celsius, and that was almost 2 degrees above normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 8.7 Celsius, and that was also around 2 degrees above the monthly normal. It was the 4th or 5th mildest October since national records began in 1872.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 19.6 Celsius on the 28th. This was the highest ever temperature in Denmark so late in the year. Officially, the mildest place in Denmark on that day was at Sjaelsmark a mere 8 km west of Horsholm. The maximum there was 19.5 Celsius. Although the maximum on the 28th was exceptional, there were many more very mild days. On 7 days the temperature rose above 16 Celsius, with the last of these very mild days occurring on the 30th when 16.2 Celsius was recorded. A further 8 days had highs above 15 Celsius. There were no particularly cool days, but on 3 occasions the temperature failed to reach 13 Celsius. The highest temperature on the 19th was 10.7 Celsius, with 11.2 and 11.3 Celsius occurring on the 20th and 21st respectively.

There were many mild nights during October, with some of the highest temperatures occurring towards the end of the month. The mildest night was the 5th with a minimum of 12.9 Celsius, but 11.9 Celsius was recorded on both the 6th and 27th, and 11.8 Celsius on the 28th. However, on a further 10 nights the minimum was between 10 and 11 Celsius, and 6 of these milder nights occurred after mid-month. Cold nights were rare during October. Only 4 nights had minima below 6 Celsius. The 4th and 17th had lows of 5.3 and 5.4 Celsius respectively, but the coldest nights were the 19th, when minus 0.4 Celsius was recorded, and the 20th when a low of minus 2.2 Celsius occurred.


Air frost occurred on 2 days; the evening of the 19th became frosty with the frost lasting until mid-morning on the 20th.


A total of 8.4 millimetres of rain was measured in October, which was around 12% of the monthly average. Measurable rain fell on 16 days, which was 7 days below the average. Only 2 wet days (equal to, or above, 1mm) occurred, and that was 13 days below normal. Mist, drizzle and dew contributed to the daily totals during the first part of the month, with mainly dry weather after the third week. The only 2 days with more than 1 millimetre of rain were the 8th, with 1.2 millimetres, and the 20th, when 3.8 millimetres occurred.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


There was no thunder heard this part of Horsholm.


No sleet or snow was observed in this part of Horsholm.


Winds from between south and west dominated during October and accounted for over three quarters of the daily observations. Otherwise, there were a couple of days with northwest winds early in the month, and another coinciding with the briefest of cool interludes at the end of the third week. Southeasterly winds also occurred on 3 days around the end of the third week. Winds were unusually light for October with no strong winds at any time during the month.  


No fog was observed in Horsholm during the month, although some nights were misty.