Weather in Horsholm – July 2022

Rather Cool and Dry


The average maximum temperature during July 2022 in Horsholm was 22.3 Celsius, and that was around half a degree below normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 12.6 Celsius, and that was very close to the monthly normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 30.5 Celsius on the 21st, and the temperature reached 30.0 Celsius on the 20th. However, there were only 4 more ‘summer’ days (when the temperature exceeds 25.0 Celsius). The warmest of these days was the 25th, with a high of 28.7 Celsius, and the 19th, when 26.5 Celsius was recorded. On most days (17), the maximum temperature was between 20 and 25 Celsius, but there were 8 cooler days. On 5 of these cooler days the temperature was between 18 and 20 Celsius, but 3 lower values occurred. On the 9th and 23rd, maxima were 17.8 and 17.7 Celsius respectively, but the coolest day of the month was the 27th with a high of 16.5 Celsius.

There were no particularly warm nights during July, but 3 nights had minimum temperatures above 15 Celsius. The 15th had a low of 15.8 Celsius, with 15.7 and 15.6 Celsius recorded on the 18th and 25th respectively. A further 5 days had minima between 14 and 15 Celsius. On most other nights the minimum was between 10 and 14 Celsius, but there were 3 exceptions. On the 11th, a low of 9.8 Celsius occurred, but the coolest nights of the month were the 28th and 29th with lows of 7.8 and 6.6 Celsius respectively.


No air frost occurred in this part of Horsholm.


A total of 36.2 millimetres of rain was measured in July, which was around 25% below the monthly average. Measurable rain fell on 17 days, which was 4 days above the average. On the opening day of the month 2.2 millimetres of rain fell, and only 2 of the first 9 days of July were dry. However, amounts of rain were generally small, with the highest total of 5.6 millimetres on the 7th. After 4 dry days, the 14th, 15th and 16th each had rain, with 6.4 millimetres falling on the 15th. Dry weather prevailed for 5 days, before another unsettled spell brought 7 days with measurable rain. However, the 25th, with 7.6 millimetres, was the only day with a total above 2 millimetres. The last 3 days of the month were dry.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


The first thunder of the month was late in the afternoon and evening of the 3rd, although amounts of rain accompanying the storms were negligible. A rumble of thunder occurred early in the evening on the 15th, with the final storms of the month observed for almost 3 hours from late afternoon on the 25th.


No sleet or snow was observed in this part of Horsholm.


The wind direction was mainly between southwest and northwest during July, accounting for around two thirds of the daily observations. A breeze from the south-southeast occurred on the 2 warmest days, and during the last week of July winds were mainly from the south. On most days, winds were gentle or moderate, but they were fresh at times on the 2 cool days just before mid-month.  


No fog was observed in Horsholm during the month.