Weather in Horsholm – June 2022

Very Wet and Cool


The average maximum temperature during June 2022 in Horsholm was 21.0 Celsius, and that was over a degree below normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 10.7 Celsius, and that was almost a degree below the monthly normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 28.9 Celsius on the 27th, and the temperature reached 28.3 Celsius on the 26th. However, there were only 3 more ‘summer’ days (when the temperature exceeds 25.0 Celsius), with all of these warm days occurring during the last week of June. In fact the highest temperature up until the 23rd was 22.0 Celsius. This was recorded on both the 5th and 11th. On 13 days the temperature failed to rise above 20 Celsius, with 10 of these cooler days occurring in the first half of June. On 5 days the temperature stayed below 17 Celsius. The maximum on the 19th was 16.9 Celsius, but the other low temperatures occurred in a particularly cool first week of June. The first 3 days of the month each had maxima below 17 Celsius, including highs of 16.4 Celsius on the 3rd, and 14.5 Celsius on the 2nd.

There were 3 warm nights during June. They were the 25th, 26th and 27th with minima of 17.1, 17.7 and 16.3 Celsius respectively. These were the only minimum temperatures above 14 Celsius, although there were 3 nights with minima between 13 and 14 Celsius. On many nights (14), the temperature fell to between 8 and 11 Celsius, but 4 cooler nights occurred, all of these during the first week of June. However, the only 2 nights with minima below 7 Celsius were the 2nd and 5th with lows of 5.3 and 5.0 Celsius respectively.


No air frost occurred in this part of Horsholm.


A total of 78.1 millimetres of rain was measured in June, which was around double the monthly average. The opening day of the month was the wettest with 17.2 millimetres of rain measured. Lighter rain fell on the 2nd, but this was followed by 3 dry days. The changeable weather continued, with 5.2 millimetres of rain falling on the 7th, and another 12.4 millimetres on the 12th. The 15th, 16th and 17th were dry days, but the 19th and 20th had 8.0 and 11.8 millimetres of rain. After 5 dry days between the 21st and 25th, heavy burst of rain gave 6.4 millimetres on the 26th, and another 8.6 millimetres fell on the 27th. The last 2 days of the month were dry.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


It was a very thundery month with storms occurring on 5 days. The first thunder was heard mid afternoon on the 1st, with 1 rumble occurring mid afternoon on the 12th. A thunderstorm occurred late morning on the 20th, with storms from high-level clouds occurring in the evenings of both the 25th and 27th. The thunderstorms on the 27th lasted for over two and a half hours and were quite intense at times, although bursts of rain were mostly short-lived.


No sleet or snow was observed in this part of Horsholm.


The wind direction pattern was mixed with south to southeast winds and northwesterly winds occurring in roughly equal numbers. Southwesterly winds were in short supply, and overall, winds were much lighter than average. The only gust above 15 knots occurred during a thunderstorm on the 27th when 20 knots from the northwest were recorded.  


No fog was observed in Horsholm during the month.