Weather in Horsholm – March 2022

Extremely Dry and Sunny


The average maximum temperature during March 2022 in Horsholm was 9.1 Celsius, and that was around 2 degrees above normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was -1.8 Celsius, and that was almost 2 degrees below the monthly normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 16.1 Celsius on the 25th, but the temperature reached 15.4 Celsius on the 24th, and there were 3 other days with maxima above 13 Celsius. All the mildest days occurred between the 22nd and 27th, but another 7 days had highs above 10 Celsius. None of these remaining mild days occurred before the 13th, and the last 3 days of the month were also less mild. No particularly cold days occurred, and of the 18 days with maxima below 10 Celsius, only 7 had highs below 6 Celsius. Apart from the 30th, when a maximum of 4.2 Celsius was recorded, all of the coldest days occurred before the 12th. Only 2 more days had maxima below 5 Celsius. On the 1st, the temperature struggled to reach 4.4 Celsius, and the high for the day on the 5th was only 3.8 Celsius.

There were no mild nights during March, with the highest minimum being 3.8 Celsius on the 28th, and the next highest just 1.4 Celsius on the 17th. There were many cold nights, and on 12 of these the temperature fell below minus 3 Celsius, including 5 consecutive ones beginning on the 4th. On 2 of these coldest nights the temperature fell below minus 5 Celsius, with minus 7.1 Celsius recorded on the 5th. However, the coldest night of the month was the 31st when the temperature dipped to minus 8.2 Celsius.


There were 21 air frosts during March, and that was 7 more than normal. Frost occurred on 10 consecutive days at the beginning of the month, but the frosts on the 1st, 2nd and 10th were slight with minima above minus 2 Celsius. Only 1 frost occurred between the 11th and 18th – on the 15th -, but that frost was slight with a low of minus 0.7 Celsius. Between the 19th and the end of the month, there were just 3 frost-free nights, the 21st, 25th and 28th.


March was a remarkable month for rainfall. A total of 0.8 millimetres fell in Horsholm, but the 17th, with 0.2 millimetres, was the only day with rain heavy enough to trouble the rain gauge. On 3 other occasions, the 7th, 10th and 18th, the rain gauge collected 0.2 millimetres, but a combination of dew, melted frost and wet fog were responsible for the addition to the monthly total. Across Denmark, as a whole, it was the driest March since records began in 1874.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


No thunder was heard in this part of Horsholm.


A light snow shower fell late morning on the 30th but no settling occurred.


High pressure was dominant during March, and on a couple of mornings the pressure readings were close to 1050 millibars. Within the areas of high pressure winds were mostly light and skies were clear. In fact, it was the sunniest March in Denmark since records began 100 years ago with over 200 hours of sunshine. It was so sunny that the old record was beaten by a huge margin of more than 15%. No particular wind direction was dominant, and there were no noticeably windy days, although the southeasterly breeze was quite brisk between the 11th and 13th, and the southwesterly breeze on the 28th was quite fresh.  


There was occasional night-time fog that readily cleared, and on a few days around miid month misty low cloud prevailed. However, on 3 days the fog remained until late morning. Those days were the 8th, 9th and 16th.