Weather in Horsholm – January 2022


Mild and Changeable


The average maximum temperature during January 2022 in Horsholm was 5.5 Celsius, and that was around 1.5 degrees above normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 1.1 Celsius, and that was also close to 1.5 degrees above the monthly normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 9.7 Celsius on the 2nd, but a maximum of 9.2 Celsius was recorded on the 1st, and both the 13th and 14th had highs exceeding 8 Celsius. On most days (17) the maximum temperature was between 4 and 8 Celsius, but there were some colder days, more especially during the first half of January. On 10 days the temperature failed to reach 4 Celsius, including 6 consecutive days commencing on the 6th. The lowest maxima were 2.3 Celsius, recorded on both the 7th and 11th, 2.7 Celsius, recorded on the 9th, and 2.8 Celsius, which occurred on the 20th.

There were no particularly mild nights during January, but the temperature only fell to 7.3 Celsius on the 2nd, and minima were above 6 Celsius on 3 other nights, the 1st, 3rd and 13th. On 4 other nights, the temperature stayed above 3 Celsius, with all of these less cold nights occurring between the 23rd and the 27th. On many nights (15) the temperature fell to between minus 2 and plus 2 Celsius, with 13 of these ‘close to zero’ temperatures occurring between the 4th and 21st. There were no notably cold nights during January, with minima only below minus 3 Celsius on 3 occasions. On the 6th, minus 3.9 Celsius was recorded, minus 3.3 Celsius occurred on the 15th, but the last night of the month was the coldest with a minimum of minus 4.2 Celsius.


There were 12 air frosts during January, and that was 3 less than normal. Many of the frosts were slight with minimum temperatures on 5 nights no more than a degree below freezing. The majority of frosts occurred between the 5th and 22nd, but the only spell with 3 consecutive frosty nights was between the 5th and 7th.


A total of 44.8 millimetres of rain was measured during January, which was very close to the monthly average. Measurable precipitation fell on 22 days, which was 3 days above average. Similar to the previous month, the heaviest rain fell early on, with the fall of 14.6 millimetres on the 2nd accounting for over 30% of the monthly total. There was measurable precipitation on 8 out of the first 9 days in January, but no other daily totals above 3 millimetres occurred. Between the 10th and 25th, although occasional precipitation fell, no days had more than 2.4 millimetres, and the total for this 16-day period was only 7.4 millimetres. Heavier rain fell at the end of the month, with 6.8 millimetres falling on the 27th, and a further 6.2 millimetres measured on the 29th.


Spherical soft hail, the size of marbles, fell in a brief shower on the afternoon of the 20th.


There was no thunder in this part of Horsholm.


Sleet or snow fell on 5 days during January, and half cover, or more, of lying snow was observed on 2 mornings. Light snow fell late in the evening on the 5th, and a few thin patches remained on the ground until the morning of the 7th. Sleet fell late morning until mid-afternoon on the 7th, with further sleet falling mid to late morning on the 8th, and again early to late morning on the 9th. Snow showers fell overnight on the 20th, with 2 centimetres of lying snow by morning. The snow decreased to 1 centimetre by the morning of the 21st and had thawed completely by the end of the afternoon.


Winds were mainly from the southwest during January and accounted for over 60% of the daily observations. On most other days, winds were either from the west or northwest, with just a brief interlude between the 9th and 11th when winds blew from between south and east. Strong winds blew at times around mid-month and at the end of the third week, but the strongest winds were reserved for the end of the month, when winds associated with ‘Storm Malik’ brought estimated gusts of 50 to 55 knots to the Horsholm area on the evening of the 29th and the morning of the 30th.  


There was no fog observed in Horsholm.