Weather in Horsholm – November 2021

Mild and Rather Dry


The average maximum temperature during November 2021 in Horsholm was 8.7 Celsius, and that was less than a degree above normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 3.9 Celsius, and that was also less than a degree above the monthly normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 13.7 Celsius on the 1st, but a maximum of 12.8 Celsius was recorded on the 19th, and there were 7 other days with maxima between 11 and 12 Celsius. There were no cold days during the first half of November with 7.8 Celsius the lowest maximum, this occurring on the 8th. After mid month, there were 9 colder days, although the lowest temperature up until the 26th was 6.8 Celsius measured on the 16th. The last 5 days of the month became much colder, A steady decline from 5.1 Celsius on the 26th, to 1.6 Celsius on the 29th, was followed by a high of 4.1 Celsius on the 30th.

There were no especially mild nights during November, but the temperature only fell to 9.5 Celsius on the 19th, with 9.4 Celsius recorded on the 10th. On 3 other nights, the 1st, 6th and 20th, the temperature stayed above 8 Celsius. On many nights (15) the temperature fell to between 3 and 8 Celsius, but there were several colder nights. Between the 1st and the 20th only 2 nights had minima below 3 Celsius. The 3rd and 4th each had minima of 0.7 Celsius. The 21st, with a low of minus 1.6 Celsius, was 10.4 degrees colder than the previous night. The following night, the 22nd, was the coldest of the month with a minimum of minus 4.2 Celsius. The last 2 nights of the month were also cold with lows of minus 3.2 and minus 3.6 Celsius respectively.


There were 5 air frosts during November, with all of these occurring after the 20th.  


A total of 30.2 millimetres of rain was measured during November, which was about 20% below the monthly average. Measurable precipitation fell on 17 days, which was 4 days below average. The beginning of November was rather unsettled, although amounts of rain were initially quite small. However, 3.8 millimetres were recorded on the 6th, and 5.2 millimetres fell on the 7th. Plenty of dry weather occurred between the 8th and 24th, and although 3.4 millimetres of rain fell, there were no days recording more than 0.8 millimetres. On 5 out of the last 6 days of the month daily rainfall exceeded 1 millimetres, with 4.2 millimetres falling on the 28th, and 5.2 millimetres measured on the 30th.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


There was no thunder in this part of Horsholm.


Light sleet fell late on the evening of the 27th, with early morning sleet and wet snow on the 29th. On the 30th, On the 30th there was snow, then sleet, overnight. there was no lying snow. in this part of Horsholm.


Winds were mainly from between west and southwest during November and accounted for over 50% of the daily observations. A run of south to southeasterly winds occurred during parts of the second and third weeks, and easterlies briefly occurred during the cold weather at the end of the month. Southwesterly winds were quite strong on the mild days during the second and third weeks, otherwise winds were typically gentle or moderate in strength.  


There was no fog observed in this part of Horsholm.