Weather in Horsholm – October 2021


Mild and Changeable 


The average maximum temperature during October 2021 in Horsholm was 13.7 Celsius, and that was about a degree above normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 6.8 Celsius, and that was close to the monthly normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 18.2 Celsius on the 3rd, but a maximum of 17.1 Celsius was recorded on the 4th, and there were 7 other days with maxima above 15 Celsius. Only 2 of these milder days occurred after the 9th, but there was no particularly cold weather with only 2 days having maximum temperatures below 10 Celsius. On the 18th, a high of 9.3 Celsius occurred, with 9.5 Celsius measured on the 22nd.

There were no especially mild nights during October, but on 7 occasions the minimum temperature was above 10 Celsius including the first 4 nights of the month. The highest minimum was 13.4 Celsius on the 3rd, with 12.3 Celsius measured on the 20th. There were several fairly cold nights and on 10 nights the minimum temperature was below 5 Celsius. On 4 of these colder nights the temperature fell below 3 Celsius, with the lowest values occurring on the 10th and 13th. On the 10th, the low was 0.8 Celsius, with 1.2 Celsius recorded on the 13th.


No frosts were recorded during the month.  


There were 66.6 millimetres of rain measured during October, which was very close to the monthly average. Measurable precipitation fell on 26 days, which was 4 days above average, although on 4 days the ‘precipitation’ consisted of dew. The beginning of October was unsettled, and on the 5th a total of 13.2 millimetres of rain fell. Measurable dew occurred on the following 2 nights, before further changeable weather occurred towards the end of the second week. Amounts of rain were mostly small, except for the 3-day spell beginning on the 20th. A total of 30.6 millimetres fell during 72 hours, including a fall of 10.6 millimetres on the 20th, and 11.2 millimetres on the 21st. Further rain fell during the rest of October but amounts were 2 millimetres or less.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


There was no thunder in this part of Horsholm.


No sleet or snow was observed in this part of Horsholm.


Winds were mainly from the south or southwest during October and accounted for nearly 80% of the daily observations. Southeasterly winds occurred on 4 days, but winds having a northerly component were almost entirely absent. For an autumn month, the winds were surprisingly light, although at the end of the third week and the beginning of the fourth the southwesterly winds were strong at times.  


There was some evening fog early in the month, but no overnight fog lingered beyond mid morning.