Weather in Horsholm – August 2021




Very Cool and Wet 


The average maximum temperature during August 2021 in Horsholm was 20.4 Celsius, and that was around 2 degrees below normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 11.3 Celsius, and that was over a degree below the monthly normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 25.9 Celsius on the 13th, but there were no more days with maxima above 24 Celsius, and only 3 other days, the 5th,6th and 12th had highs above 23 Celsius. The highest temperatures generally occurred during the first half of August, with 10 of the 16 days having maxima between 20 and 23 Celsius occurring before mid month. Just 1 day, the 9th, had a maximum below 20 Celsius, during the first half of August; whereas 10 days after mid month had maxima below 20 Celsius. There were 2 decidedly cool days, the 26th and 28th, with maximum temperatures of 15.6 and 15.4 Celsius respectively.

There were no warm nights during August. The highest minima were 14.4 Celsius on both the 13th and 18th, and 14.2 Celsius on both the 25th and 29th. Although temperatures on most nights (18) fell to between 10 and 14 Celsius, there were several cool nights. On 5 nights, the temperature fell below 8 Celsius, including 3 consecutive nights beginning on the 22nd. The lowest values were 6.9 Celsius on the 5th, and 4.9 Celsius on the 22nd.


No frosts were recorded during the month.  


No information was available.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


There was thunder heard late morning and early afternoon on the 8th, and early in the evening on the 17th.


No sleet or snow was observed in this part of Horsholm.


Southwesterly and northwesterly winds were dominant during August, accounting for around two thirds of the daily observations. On other days winds were either from the north or the south. Only 4 days had winds with an easterly component, and just 2 of those days, the 6th and 22nd, had a wind blowing from the southeast.  


There was no fog observed in Horsholm during the month.