Weather in Horsholm – March 2021



Rather Dry and often Cold 


The average maximum temperature during March 2021 in Horsholm was 7.9 Celsius, and that was around 0.5 degrees above normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was -0.2 Celsius, and that was about 0.5 degrees below the monthly normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 19.1 Celsius on the 31st, and 17.9 Celsius occurred on the 30th, but no other day had maximum temperatures above 14 Celsius. In fact, only 4 other days had maxima above 10 Celsius, with all of these milder days occurring after the 23rd. The first three weeks of March were often cold, and on 5 days the temperature failed to rise above 5 Celsius. The 2nd was the coldest with a high of 3.3 Celsius, with 4 of the coldest days occurring before the 11th. The exception was on the 19th, when a maximum of 4.1 Celsius was recorded.

There were no especially mild nights during March, although both the 29th and 30th had minimum temperatures of 7.7 Celsius. These were the only night-time values above 5 Celsius, although there were a further 6 nights with minima above 3 Celsius. All of these milder nights occurred between the 23rd and 30th. The coldest nights occurred during the first 3 weeks of March in 2 spells. The first spell, between the 1st and 10th, had some very cold nights with minima below minus 5 Celsius on 4 occasions. On 3 of these nights, the 8th, 9th and 10th, the temperature dipped below minus 7 Celsius. The coldest night was the 9th with a minimum of minus 7.9 Celsius, although the previous night was only 0.1 Celsius less cold. The second run of cold nights, from the 16th to the 22nd, was less severe, with the lowest temperature of minus 3.3 Celsius occurring on the 18th.


March had 16 air frosts, and that was around 2 above the average. Apart from the 2nd, when a minimum temperature of 0.6 Celsius occurred, each of the first 10 days of March had an air frost, and on only 3 nights was the minimum temperature above minus 3 Celsius. The other frosty nights were between the 16th and 22nd, but with only 1 night having a minimum below minus 3 Celsius.  


There were 42.8 millimetres of rain recorded during March, and that was around 20% below the average. Measurable precipitation fell on 16 days, and that was 1 day below average, and wet days (when 1 millimetre or more of rain was measured) numbered 8 days, and that was 4 days below average for the month. Although there was occasional rain during the first 10 days of the month, it was light, and the total for this period was only just over 1 millimetre. However, there was a total of 15.2 millimetres on the 11th, followed by 4 millimetres on the 12th, and another 10.2 millimetres on the 13th. The 14th and 15th both had 1 millimetre or more, but then it was mostly dry until the 27th. Rain totalling 8.2 millimetres occurred between the 27th and 29th, with the wettest day, the 28th, having 3.8 millimetres.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


No thunder was heard in this part of Horsholm.


Sleet or snow fell on 2 days during March. On the 11th, rain turned to sleet, then wet snow, overnight with 1 centimetre of lying snow by morning. The snow turned back to rain around mid-morning and had thawed by evening. Sleet and wet snow occurred overnight and early in the afternoon on the 13th, but it did not settle.


Winds were often from the southwest during March and accounted for 55% of the daily direction observations. Another third of the days had northwest winds, whereas those having an easterly component accounted for less than 10% of the daily observations. The strongest winds were generally during the second and third weeks, with the lightest winds occurring during the first 10 days of the month.  


There was fog on each of the first 3 mornings of March, and although it lifted into misty low cloud on the afternoons of the 1st and 2nd, it persisted all day on the 3rd.