Weather in Horsholm – November 2020

Very Mild and Dry


The average maximum temperature during November 2020 in Horsholm was 9.7 Celsius, and that was around 2 degrees above normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 5.5 Celsius, and that was close to 3 degrees above the November normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 17.2 Celsius on the 2nd. this was exceptional, with many places across Denmark recording their highest November temperature for 52 years. Abed on Lolland was officially the mildest place on that day with a high of 17.7 Celsius. In Horsholm, the second mildest day was the 1st, with a high of 13.4 Celsius, but there were 13 other days when the temperature rose above 10 Celsius. All the mildest days occurred in 2 spells, encompassing the 1st to the 8th, and the 13th to the 19th. Up to, and including, the 26th, the only day with a maximum temperature below 8 Celsius was the 11th when a maximum of 7.7 Celsius occurred. After the 26th, it became much colder. The temperature reached 6.0 Celsius on the 27th, but only 1.4 Celsius on the 28th, and it was even colder on the 29th with a high of 0.6 Celsius. The last day of the month was slightly less cold with 3.3 Celsius.

The first 2 nights of the month were very mild with minimum temperatures of 11.4 and 10.6 Celsius respectively. The only other night with a minimum above 10 Celsius was the 15th when 10.1 Celsius was recorded. Many other fairly mild nights occurred during November. especially during the first half of the month. In fact, there were only 2 nights in the first 18 with lows under 5 Celsius. The lowest of these was on the 8th when 3.2 Celsius was measured. From the 19th until the end of the month there were 10 nights with minima below 5 Celsius and on the 27th the temperature fell to minus 1.4 Celsius.


There were 5 air frosts during November. On the 20th the temperature fell to minus 1.0 Celsius, and each of the last 4 nights of the month had frost. However, the frosts were slight, and on each of the last 3 nights of November the minimum temperature was above minus 1 Celsius. 


There were 9.2 millimetres of rain recorded during November and that was only around 20% of the average. Rain fell on 24 days, and that was 4 days above average, and wet days (when 1 millimetre or more of rain was measured) amounted to just 2 days, and that was 9 days below average. On many days dew or overnight fog, rather than rain, was responsible for adding to the monthly total, and on other days the rain that fell was light. The highest totals measured were 1.6 millimetres on the 27th and 1.2 millimetres on the 30th.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


No thunder was heard in this part of Horsholm.


Light snow fell early in the morning on the 29th and gave a thin covering on some surfaces. The snow thawed during the morning. Occasional sleet occurred during the evening of the 29th with a little sleet and wet snow falling in the early hours of the 30th, but no snow settled.


November was another southwesterly month with 23 of the daily observations having winds from between south and west, with southeasterly winds occurring on 5 of the remaining days. Winds were light or gentle for much of the second and third weeks, and also at the end of the month; otherwise moderate or fresh breezes prevailed, and on the 19th the southwesterly wind was strong.  


Patchy fog was observed on several nights, but none was present at the time of the morning observation.