Weather in Horsholm – October 2020


The average maximum temperature during October 2020 in Horsholm was 13.3 Celsius, and that was less than 0.5 degrees above normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 6.8 Celsius, and that was very close to the October normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 17.8 Celsius on the 3rd, but 2 other days had maximum temperatures above 17 Celsius, with 17.3 Celsius recorded on the 2nd and 17.4 Celsius registered on the 5th. There were only 4 other days with maximum temperatures above 15 Celsius, with 3 of these milder days occurring during the first week. The other mild day was the 22nd when a high of 15.1 Celsius occurred. On most days (16) the temperature peaked at between 11 and 14 Celsius, but on 5 occasions it was cooler. However, all maxima stayed above 10 Celsius, with the lowest values of 10.3 and 10.4 Celsius occurring on the 15th and 30th respectively.

A few mild nights occurred during October, mainly, but not exclusively, in the first week of the month. On the nights of both the 2nd and 3rd minimum temperatures of 14.2 Celsius were measured, with the next highest minimum, 12.2 Celsius, occurring on the 22nd. There were a further 4 nights having minima above 10 Celsius with these milder nights spread as far apart as the 1st and 31st. It was cold on several nights during October, especially around the middle of the month. In total, there were 9 nights with minimum temperatures below 4 Celsius, with all of these colder nights occurring between the 11th and 20th. On 5 nights, all between the 15th and 19th, the temperature fell below 2 Celsius. The coldest night was the 19th with a low of minus 0.9 Celsius.


There were 3 air frosts during October. On both the 16th and 17th the temperature fell to minus 0.6 Celsius, with the aforementioned minus 0.9 Celsius on the 19th. 


There were 47.6 millimetres of rain during October, and that was about 35% below the monthly average. Rain fell on 23 days, and that was 1 day above average, and wet days, when 1 millimetre or more of rain was measured, amounted to 14 days, and that was 1 day below average. The first 3 days of the month were dry, but on the 4th, 8.4 millimetres of rain fell, making it the wettest day of the month. A further 6 millimetres fell on the 6th, and rain was measured on each day between the 4th and 13th, although on most days amounts were small. After 4 dry days commencing on the 14th, rain fell on every day during the remainder of the month, except the 20th. However, the highest totals were only 4.2 millimetres on the 21st and 3.6 millimetres on 22nd. Each of the last 4 days of October had less than 1 millimetre of rain.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


No thunder was heard in this part of Horsholm.


No sleet or snow was observed in this part of Horsholm.


October was a ‘southwesterly’ month with winds from between south and west accounting for over 60% of the daily observations. East or northeasterly winds at the beginning of the month were quite strong, but the fresh or strong winds were mainly from the south or southwest and occurred during the third week and at the beginning of the fourth.  


Patchy fog was observed overnight on the 11th, and again on the 31st, but it lifted into low cloud well before mid morning.