Weather in Horsholm – August 2020

Warm and Summery



The average maximum temperature during August 2020 in Horsholm was 24.2 Celsius, and that was around 2 degrees above normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 12.6 Celsius, and that was close to the August normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 30.4 Celsius on the 9th, but 8 other days had maximum temperatures above 28 Celsius, including highs of 30.1 Celsius on the 16th and 29.9 Celsius on the 8th. There were a further 4 days when the temperature rose above 25 Celsius. The very warm spell was sandwiched between the 6th and 18th, but most other days had highs between 20 and 25 Celsius. A decrease in temperature occurred after the 23rd, with 5 of the last 8 days of August having maxima below 20 Celsius. The 27th was the coolest of these days with a high of 16.7 Celsius, although the following day was only a little less cool with a high of 16.9 Celsius.

A few rather warm nights occurred in August. On the 11th the temperature only fell to 17.3 Celsius, and on the 22nd a low of 17.0 Celsius was recorded. There were 3 more nights with minima above 15 Celsius, including the 2nd when a low of 16.3 Celsius occurred. On most nights the temperature dropped to between 10 and 15 Celsius, but some chilly nights occurred at both ends of the month. On 5 occasions the temperature dipped below 10 Celsius, with 2 of these cooler nights having minima under 8 Celsius. On the 4th a minimum of 7.8 Celsius was recorded, with 7.3 Celsius measured on the last day of the month.


No air frost occurred during the month. 


There were 74.6 millimetres of rain during August, and that was close to the monthly average. Rain fell on 10 days, and that was 10 days below average, and wet days, when 1 millimetre or more of rain was measured, amounted to 7 days, and that was 8 days below average. The first 18 days of the month were completely dry, but then a few bursts of rain occurred on the morning of the 19th. In the afternoon torrential rain fell. At one time the rainfall rate was 125 mm/hr and in a 10 minute period over 12 millimetres of rain were recorded. After 90 minutes the rain ceased but over 55 millimetres had fallen during this period and the total for the day was 58.2 millimetres. The rest of the month was changeable with only 3 completely dry days. However, daily rainfall totals were mostly small. The only day with a total above 3 millimetres was the 27 th when 5.2 millimetres of rain were measured.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


Thunder and lightning were observed on the morning of the 19th, and during the heavy rain in the afternoon of the same day.


No sleet or snow was observed in this part of Horsholm.


The run of predominantly westerly winds was broken during August, and although there were some northwesterly winds during the first few days of the month, breezes from between south and east dominated during the very warm spell. Later in the month, west to northwesterly returned, ushering in the cooler weather. Even the westerly winds were generally no more than moderate in strength, and on most days winds were light or gentle, and often calm in the evenings. The exception, was on the 19th when strong southwesterly gusts occurred in association with the heavy afternoon rain.  


No fog was observed in this part of Horsholm.