Weather in Horsholm – July 2020

Cool and Changeable


The average maximum temperature during July 2020 in Horsholm was 19.8 Celsius, and that was around 3 degrees below normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 11.2 Celsius, and that was about a degree below the July normal. Overall in Denmark it was the coolest July for 22 years.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 26.5 Celsius on the 19th, and that was the only ‘summer day’ (when the temperature reaches 25 Celsius). However, the 18th was pleasantly warm with a high of 24.8 Celsius, and the temperature also rose above 23 Celsius on the 17th. The temperature exceeded 20 Celsius on 11 other days, with 7 of these less cool days occurring between the 20th and 28th. The early part of the month was particularly cool, and of the 14 days with maxima below 19 Celsius, only 2 occurred after the 16th. Between the 4th and 12th there were 6 days with highs below 18 Celsius, and on both the 4th and 7th maxima were 16.6 Celsius. However, the coolest day of the month was the 10th when 15.4 Celsius was recorded.

There were no warm nights during July, but the temperature only fell to 14.2 Celsius on the 5th, and on 7 other nights the temperature stayed above 13 Celsius. The warmest of these nights was the 1st, with a low of 13.9 Celsius, and the 28th, when 13.7 Celsius was recorded. Several cool nights occurred during July, and on 9 occasions the temperature fell below 10 Celsius. Most of the coolest nights (7) occurred between the 7th and 16th. On the 9th a low of 7.6 Celsius was recorded, but on the following night it was colder with 6.3 Celsius measured.


No air frost occurred during the month. 


There were 45.7 millimetres of rain during July, and that was around 10% below average. Rain fell on 19 days, and that was 7 days above average, and wet days, when 1 millimetre or more of rain was measured, amounted to 12 days, and that was 4 days above average. Rain was recorded on the first 8 days of July, and although most of it was light, 11 millimetres were measured on the 4th, with a further 5.8 millimetres on the 5th. and 5.2 millimetres on the 7th. Some dry days then occurred, and after 4.2 millimetres on the 15th, there were 8 consecutive dry days. Rain fell on each day during the last week of July, but much of it was light with the highest totals being 3.8 millimetres on the 24th and 3.4 millimetres on the 26th.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


No thunder was heard in this part of Horsholm.


No sleet or snow was observed in this part of Horsholm.


July was a ‘westerly’ month with winds predominantly from the southwest on 17 days, and from the west or northwest on 6 days. Breezes from the east were totally absent, although on 4 occasions a south-southeasterly wind blew, with 3 of these days occurring during the last week. The wind was light at times during the second and third weeks, but generally a moderate or fresh breeze blew with the windiest days occurring during the first and last weeks of the month.  


No fog was observed in this part of Horsholm.