Weather in Horsholm – June 2020

Rather Dry and Pleasantly Warm


The average maximum temperature during June 2020 in Horsholm was 22.3 Celsius, and that was close to normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 11.4 Celsius, and that was very slightly below the June normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 28.8 Celsius on the 25th, but there were 5 other days when the temperature rose above 25 Celsius, including a high of 28.0 Celsius on the 26th. Apart from the 11th, which recorded a high of 25.3 Celsius, all the warmer days occurred after the 18th. The coolest weather generally occurred around the end of the first week. On the 6th, the temperature only rose to 14.5 Celsius, and although each day between the 4th and 9th had maxima below 20 Celsius, the second coldest day of the month was 17.3 Celsius on the 5th. There were 2 other days when the temperature failed to reach 20 Celsius, the 21st and 30th, with highs of 19.5 and 19.0 Celsius respectively.

There were a few fairly warm nights in June. These mainly occurred after mid month, although the warmest night was the 12th with a minimum of 16.6 Celsius. A total of 4 other rather warm nights occurred with minima above 15 Celsius, including the 20th, with a low of 16.4 Celsius, and both the 13th and 26th, when 16.2 Celsius was recorded. No cool nights occurred after mid-month, and the last night with a minimum below 10 Celsius was the 15th when 6.4 Celsius occurred. There were 4 other nights when the temperature fell below 7 Celsius. The 1st had a low of 5.7 Celsius, and 3 consecutive nights, beginning on the 8th, were also cool. However, just 1 of these days had a minimum below 6 Celsius, and that was the 10th with 5.4 Celsius, making it the coolest day of the month.


No air frost occurred during the month. 


There were 35.2 millimetres of rain during June, and that was around 25% below average. Rain fell on 9 days, and that was 3 days below average, and wet days, when 1 millimetre or more of rain was measured, amounted to 7, and that was close to average. The first 4 days of June were dry, but heavy rain on the 5th, amounting to 12.8 millimetres, and heavy showers on the 6th gave another 8 millimetres of rain. This was followed by 5 more dry days, and after 1.4 millimetres on the 12th, another 5 dry days were observed. An unsettled spell of weather resulted in 4 out of 5 days with rain between the 18th and 22nd. However, the wettest day, the 19th, only had 3.4 millimetres of rain. After 5 more dry days, less than 1 millimetre of rain fell on the 28th, but the last day of June received 4.2 millimetres.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm.


There were 2 days with thunder. Thunderstorms occurred around mid afternoon on the 6th, and mid morning on the 19th.


No sleet or snow was observed in this part of Horsholm.


The wind during June varied considerably. On 10 occasions, mainly the cooler days, the wind was predominantly from the northwest, but on the warmer days a southeasterly wind blew, and this accounted for 8 of the daily wind observations. It was not a particularly breezy month, with light or gentle winds dominating, although at either end of the month it was a little more windy.  


No fog was observed in this part of Horsholm.