Weather in Horsholm – May 2020

Very Cool and Rather Wet


The average maximum temperature during May 2020 in Horsholm was 15.6 Celsius, and that was nearly 3 degrees below normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 5.0 Celsius, and that was about 2 degrees below the May normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 21.8 Celsius on the 31st, but there were only 3 other days when the temperature rose above 20 Celsius. On the 10th 20.2 Celsius was recorded, with 20.1 Celsius on the 26th and 20.6 Celsius on the 30th. There were only 12 more days when the temperature exceeded 15 Celsius, with just 3 of these less cool days occurring before mid month. All the coolest days, with temperatures below 12 Celsius, occurred during the first 2 weeks of May. The lowest temperature was 9.3 Celsius on the 11th, and that was almost 11 degrees cooler than on the previous day. It was the first of 3 consecutive very cool days, and on the 13th a high of 10.8 Celsius was recorded.

There were no mild nights during May. In fact, the minimum of 9.8 Celsius on the 23rd, was the only night with a low above 9 Celsius, and just 3 further nights had minima above 8 Celsius. On most nights (18) minimum temperatures were between 4 and 8 Celsius with the higher readings mainly occurring towards the end of the month. Several cold nights occurred with minima below 3 Celsius, including 4 consecutive nights beginning on the 11th. The lowest temperature was minus 0.9 Celsius on the 12th.


Air frost occurred on 2 nights during May. All 4 nights between the 11th and 14th had minimum temperatures below 1 Celsius, including a low of 0.1 Celsius on the 13th. The 12th had an air frost, and the other night was the 14th when a low of minus 0.7 Celsius was measured. 


There were 34.4 millimetres of rain during May, and that was around 30% above average. Rain fell on 14 days, and that was 3 days above average, and wet days, when 1 millimetre or more of rain was measured, amounted to 7, and that was close to average. Light rain fell on 4 of the first 5 days of May, but this was followed by 9 days of dry weather, except for the 12th, when showers gave 1.6 millimetres of rain. It was very changeable between the 15th and 19th, with 5 millimetres of rain recorded on the 16th, and 7.8 millimetres on the 18th. After a further 3 dry days, a short unsettled spell produced 7 millimetres on the 23rd and 4.4 millimetres on the 24th. The last 6 days of the month were dry.


Soft hail or graupel showers fell on the afternoon of the 12th.


There was no thunder heard in Horsholm during May.


No sleet or snow was observed in this part of Horsholm.


The wind during May was predominantly from the northwest (17 days), with a further 9 days having southwesterly winds. The northwesterlies were quite strong at the end of the first week, and the southwesterlies were strong around mid month. During the last week of May, breezes were mainly light or gentle.  


No fog was observed in this part of Horsholm.
