Weather in Horsholm – March 2020

Very Dry and Rather Mild


The average maximum temperature during March 2020 in Horsholm was 8.4 Celsius, and that was around 1.5 degrees above normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 0.3 Celsius, and that was close to the March normal.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 12.6 Celsius on the 27th, but there were 4 other days with maximum temperatures above 10 Celsius, including a high of 11.1 Celsius on the 17th, the second mildest day of the month. All of these milder days occurred after mid month, but there were no particularly cold days. However, there were 4 days with maxima below 6 Celsius, and 3 of these colder days occurred between the 22nd and the 29th, although the lowest value on these 3 days was only 5.7 Celsius on the 22nd. The coldest day of the month was the 3rd with a high of just 4.2 Celsius.

There were no especially mild nights during March. In fact, the low of 6.2 Celsius on the 18th was the only minimum temperature above 5 Celsius. On 4 consecutive nights beginning on the 9th, the temperature stayed above 3 Celsius, but apart from on the 18th, only 2 more nights had minima above 3 Celsius. Several cold nights occurred towards the end of the month and on 4 occasions the temperature fell below minus 4 Celsius. The lowest temperature was minus 5.7 Celsius on the 31st, but minus 5.5 Celsius preceded the mildest day of the month on the 27th, and minus 5.4 Celsius was recorded on the morning of the 14th.


Air frost occurred on 12 nights during March. Normally 14 frosts can be expected. The only frost before the 21st occurred on the 14th, but each night from the 21st until the end of the month had a frost. Interestingly, on 5 of these frosty nights, the minimum temperature was lower than during the winter months of December, January and February. 


There were only 19.6 millimetres of rain during March, and that was around 70% below average. Rain fell on 14 days, and that was 3 days below average, and wet days, when 1 millimetre or more of rain was measured, only amounted to 5, and that was 7 days below average. The first 2 days of the month were dry, but then rain was measured on the following 11 days. Most of it was light, but 4.2 millimetres were recorded on the 10th, with 5.4 millimetres falling on the 12th. After the 13th, precipitation occurred on just 3 days producing a meagre total of 1.8 millimetres.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm


No thunder was heard during March.


Sleet or snow fell on 1 day during March, and that was in the early hours of the 29th when rain turned to sleet and wet snow for a couple of hours producing a very temporary covering of slush.


The wind during March was mainly from between south and west (20 days). It was not particularly strong, except during the second week, especially on the 11th, and even more so on the 12th when southwesterly gales occurred.  


No fog was observed in this part of Horsholm.