Weather in Horsholm – February 2020

Exceptionally Wet, Mild and Windy


The average maximum temperature during February 2020 in Horsholm was 7.0 Celsius, and that was nearly 3 degrees above normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 2.4 Celsius, and that was more than 3 degrees above the February normal.  .

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 11.7 Celsius on the 16th. This was the only maximum temperature above 10 Celsius, however, the temperature reached 9.8 Celsius on the 1st, and there were a further 12 days when the temperature peaked at between 7 and 9 Celsius. No particularly cold days occurred during February, and although there were 8 days when the temperature failed to reach 6 Celsius, the temperature stayed below 4 Celsius on only 1 of these days. That day was the 26th when the top temperature was 2.4 Celsius.

There were no especially mild nights during February. however, there were 2 nights when the minimum temperature was above 5 Celsius. On the 1st, a low of 6.7 Celsius was recorded, and on the 16th a minimum of 6.0 Celsius was measured. On most nights (18), the minimum temperature was between 2 and 5 Celsius. but there were a few rather cold nights, these mainly occurring at either end of the month. However, the temperature only fell below 1 Celsius on 4 occasions. The lowest minimum was minus 3.2 Celsius on the 27th.


Air frost occurred on only 3 nights during February. Normally 15 frosts can be expected. The first frost occurred on the 5th, when minus 2.8 Celsius was recorded, with 2 consecutive frosts on the 27th and 28th. The minimum temperature on the 28th was minus 1.8 Celsius. 


There were  100.4  millimetres of rain during February and that was almost 3 times the monthly average. Overall, in Denmark, it was the wettest February since records began in 1883. There were 25 days of measurable rain, and that was about 11 days above normal for February. There were 20 wet days, when 1 millimetre or more of rain was measured, and that was also 11 days above average. Rain during the first week was fairly light with only 5.2 millimetres measured. During the first 8 days of the month there were actually 3 dry days. Only 1 other dry day occurred and that was on the 27th. On the 9th, 12 millimetres of rain fell, and 6 other days had more than 5 millimetres, including the 11th with 9 millimetres and the 25th with 17.8 millimetres.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm


No thunder was heard during February.


Sleet or snow fell on 3 days during February. Sleet showers occurred in the early hours of the 11th, with sleet late in the evening of the 25th. Overnight, rain and sleet turned to wet snow and there was a 2 centimetre layer for a while on the morning of the 26th.


The wind during February was almost entirely from between south and west (27 days). On many days the wind was fresh or strong, and on the 25th it reached gale force in the evening.  


No fog was observed in this part of Horsholm.