Weather in Horsholm – January 2020

Exceptionally Mild and Damp


The average maximum temperature during January 2020 in Horsholm was 7.1 Celsius, and that was over 3 degrees above normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 2.8 Celsius, and that was also more than 3 degrees above the January normal.  Overall, Denmark had its mildest January since records began in 1883.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 11.4 Celsius on the 15th. This was the only maximum temperature above 10 Celsius, however, the temperature reached 9.4 Celsius on the 8th, and there were a further 15 days when the temperature peaked at between 7 and 9 Celsius. No particularly cold days occurred during January, and although there were 8 days when the temperature failed to reach 6 Celsius, the temperature stayed below 5 Celsius on only 1 of these days. That day was the 2nd when the top temperature was 2.7 Celsius.

There were no especially mild nights during January. however, there were 2 nights when the minimum temperature was above 5 Celsius. On the 24th, a low of 5.9 Celsius was recorded, and on the 31st a minimum of 6.0 Celsius was measured. On most nights (16), the minimum temperature was between 3 and 5 Celsius. but there were a few rather cold nights, these mainly occurring during the second half of January. On 6 occasions the temperature fell below 1 Celsius, including 4 of the 5 nights between the 19th and 23rd. The temperature fell to minus 1.7 and minus 1.9 Celsius on the 22nd and 23rd respectively, but the coldest night of the month was the 5th when the temperature dipped to minus 3 Celsius.


Air frost occurred on only 4 nights during January. Normally 17 frosts can be expected. The first frost occurred on the 5th, with further air frosts on the 19th, 22nd and 23rd. 


There were  47.0  millimetres of rain during January and that was over 10% above the monthly average. Overall, in Denmark, it was the wettest January since records began in 1883. There were 28 days of measurable rain, and that was about 11 days above normal for January. There were 13 wet days, when 1 millimetre or more of rain was measured, and that was only 4 days above average, so the month could be described as damp rather than particularly wet. The first completely dry day was the 2nd, but none of the first 8 days of January had more than 3 millimetres of rain. On the 9th, a total of 7.8 millimetres was measured, making it the wettest day of the month. A further 4.4 millimetres fell on the 12th, but the second dry day of the month followed it on the 13th. Another 5.2 millimetres were measured on the 14th, followed by many days of patchy drizzle and some heavy dews. The remaining dry day occurred on the 22nd, with the last 2 fairly wet days occurring on the final 2 days of the month. On the 30th, a total of 6 millimetres of rain fell, with 3.8 millimetres recorded on the following. day.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm


No thunder was heard during January.


No sleet or snow was observed in this part of Horsholm.


The wind during January was mainly from the southwest (23 days) with the occasional variable or south to southeast wind. On many days the wind was fresh or strong, although it was somewhat lighter during the fourth week of January.  


Although the weather was misty and drizzly at times, no fog was observed.