Weather in Horsholm – December 2019

Very Mild and Rather Dry


The average maximum temperature during December 2019 in Horsholm was 6.3 Celsius, and that was almost 3 degrees above normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 2.4 Celsius, and that was close to 4 degrees above the December normal. 

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 9.5 Celsius on the 18th, followed by 8.8 Celsius on the previous day along with 8th. There were 8 other days when the temperature rose above 7 Celsius, and in an exceptionally mild start to December, there were 6 consecutive days, commencing on the 3rd, with maxima above 7 Celsius. In a month with very few cold days, the temperature only failed to reach 4 Celsius on 4 occasions. On the 1st, a high of 3.8 Celsius was recorded and the maximum on the 13th was 4.7 Celsius. The coldest days occurred after Christmas. On the 27th, a high of 2.4 celsius was measured, and on the following day the temperature struggled to 0.3 celsius, the coldest day of the month.

There were no exceptionally mild nights during December. However, on 4 occasions, including 3 consecutive nights beginning on the 4th, the temperature remained above 5 Celsius. The mildest night was the 4th with a low of 6.1 Celsius. There were many nights (14) when the minimum was between 2 and 4 Celsius. Most of the colder nights occurred at either end of the month. The first 3 nights had minima below minus 2 Celsius and the temperature on the 10th fell to minus 2 Celsius. The only other night with a minimum below minus 2 Celsius was the 28th. Just 1 of these colder nights had a low under minus 3 Celsius. That was on the 3rd when minus 3.7 Celsius was recorded.


Air frost occurred on 7 nights during December. The first 3 nights of the month were frost, as were the 3 nights between the 27th and 29th. Remarkably, there was just 1 more air frost, and that occurred on the night of the 10th. 


There were  44.0  millimetres of rain during December and that was almost 20% below the monthly average. There were 21 days of measurable rain, and that was about 5 days above normal for December. Only 2 dry days occurred during the first fortnight of the month, and although much of the rain was light, on the 6th a total of 5 millimetres fell, with 9 millimetres falling on the 8th. Another 5 millimetres fell on the 15th, but thereafter amounts of rain were small. In fact, during the second half of December less than 8 millimetres of rain fell, with 5 out of the last 6 days of the month having no measurable rain.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm


No thunder was heard during November.


Sleet showers fell early and mid afternoon on the 2nd.


The wind during December was mainly from the southwest with winds more variable, and occasionally from the southeast, during the second half of the month. it was often windy during the first half of the month, with the 15th a particularly windy day. Later in the month, especially during the last week, winds were much lighter.  


There was fog for much of the day on the 20th.