Weather in Horsholm – November 2019

Very Mild and Damp


The average maximum temperature during November 2019 in Horsholm was 8.1 Celsius, and that was about 1 degree above normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 3.9 Celsius, and that was close to 4 degrees above the November normal. 

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 11.7 Celsius on the 3rd, followed by 11.1 Celsius on the 2nd. There were no other days with maxima above 10 Celsius, but on 14 days the temperature rose above 8 Celsius. There were no cold days during November, but on 7 occasions the temperature failed to rise above 7 Celsius. This included 2 days with highs below 6 Celsius. The temperature on the 6th only reached 5.3 Celsius, with 5.7 Celsius measured on the 30th. On the 29th, although the temperature was above 6 Celsius for a while overnight, late morning and early afternoon values were only around 1 or 2 Celsius.

There were several mild nights during November, and on 15 nights the temperature stayed above 5 Celsius. Unusually, only 3 of these milder nights occurred before mid month. Every night between the 18th and 28th had a minimum of 5 Celsius or more, and this included 3 nights with lows above 7 Celsius. The mildest night was the 21st with a minimum of 7.6 Celsius. There were no particularly cold nights during November, and although the temperature fell below 2 Celsius on 10 nights, only 2 nights had a minimum below 0 Celsius. The coldest night was the last night of the month with a low of minus 2.4 Celsius.


There were 2 air frosts during  November, but the frost on the 29th was very slight with the temperature only falling to minus 0.1 Celsius. 


There were  50.2  millimetres of rain during November and that was almost 20% below the monthly average. There were 24 days of measurable rain, and that was about 8 days above normal for November. On the 2nd, 5 millimetres of rain fell, but there were only 2 other days when rainfall exceeded 5 millimetres, the 16th with 9.4 millimetres and the 22nd with 5.8 millimetres. In a month with only 6 days without measurable rain, consecutive dry days occurred only once. The 13th and 14th both failed to record measurable rain.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm


No thunder was heard during November.


There was sleet at times mid morning until early afternoon on the 29th.


The wind during November was mainly from the east or southeast. The breezes were generally lightest early in the month, with fresh or strong winds blowing at times during the third week.  


There was no fog observed during November.