Weather in Horsholm – October 2019

Rather mild and Wet


The average maximum temperature during October 2019 in Horsholm was 12.8 Celsius, and that was about a degree above normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 6.0 Celsius, and that was very close to the October normal. 

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 16.2 Celsius on the 14th, closely followed by 16.1 Celsius on the 13th and 15.8 Celsius on the 15th. The temperature reached 15.1 Celsius on the 27th, and there were 8 other days when the temperature rose above 14 Celsius. the coolest weather was at either end of the month, and although there were no especially cold days, the temperature failed to reach 10 Celsius on 6 occasions. However, there was only 1 day when the temperature stayed below 9 Celsius, that was the 29th when a high of 8.4 Celsius was recorded.

There were several mild nights during October, and on 6 occasions the temperature remained above 10 Celsius. On 2 of these milder nights the temperature stayed above 11 Celsius. On the 16th a low of 11.3 Celsius occurred, but 11.5 Celsius was measured on the night of the 26th. There were 11 nights when minima were between 8 and 10 Celsius, but during the first and last weeks of October there were some cold nights. There were 11 nights with minima below 5 Celsius with all these colder nights occurring before the 9th and after the 27th. A total of 7 nights had minimum temperatures below 2 Celsius, including 4 nights with lows under minus 2 Celsius. The lowest temperature was minus 3.1 Celsius on the 7th, but minus 2.9 celsius occurred on both the 6th and 30th.


There were 5 air frosts during  October. these occurred between the 5th and 7th, and on the 29th and 30th. 


There were  83.2  millimetres of rain during October and that was about 40% above the monthly average. There were 21 days of measurable rain, and that was about 6 days above normal for October. On the 2nd, over 5 millimetres of rain fell, but 5 out of the first 6 days of the month were dry. Thereafter, only 1 dry day occurred (14th) between the 7th and 21st. Some of the rain was heavy, with 6.6 millimetres falling on the 8th, a mighty 27.8 millimetres on the 11th, over 6 millimetres on the 15th and more than 8 millimetres on the 19th. Over 5 millimetres of rain fell on the 25th, but the last 10 days of October had less than 12 millimetres of rain, and there were actually 4 completely dry days.


No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm


No thunder was heard during October, although there were storms not too far away to the southeast on the 13th.


There was no sleet or snow observed in Horsholm during October.


The wind during October was mainly southwesterly and often quite strong. The 14th and 26th were particularly windy days with gusts close to gale force on the 14th.  


There was occasional short-lived mist and fog overnight during the third and fourth weeks of October.