Weather in Horsholm – September 2019

Wet, but Mild

Temperatures The average maximum temperature during September 2019 in Horsholm was 17.0 Celsius, and that was slightly above normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 10.0 Celsius, and that was over a degree above the September normal.    The highest temperature recorded during the month was 22.1 Celsius on the 1st,  and the only other maximum above 20 was the 20.1 Celsius recorded on the 3rd.  There were 3 other days when the temperature rose above 19 , with the last of these on the  22nd when a high of 19.4 Celsius occurred.   There were no maxima below 16 Celsius before mid month, but 10 of these cooler days occurred during the second half of September. There were 5 consecutive cooler days beginning on the 16th, and this spell included the 2 coolest days of the month. On the 17th a high of 13.0 Celsius occurred, with 13.4 Celsius recorded on the following day. There were many mild nights during September, and although the minimum of 14.6 Celsius on the  10th was the only value above 13 Celsius, there were 13 nights with minima between 11 and 13 Celsius, and a further 5 nights with lows between 10 and 11 Celsius. There were no particularly cold nights during September, but on 6 nights, in fact consecutive nights, beginning on the 17th, the temperature fell below 8 Celsius. The lowest  value of 4.9 Celsius occurred on 3 nights, the 19th, 20th and 22nd Frost There were no frosts during  September.    Rain There were  100.2  millimetres of rain during September and that was over 50% above the monthly average. There were 23 days of measurable rain, and that was about 5 days above normal for September. The rain that fell was sometimes heavy, and the 16 wet days (1 millimetre or more) were 6 days above normal. Overall, Denmark had it’s wettest September for 18 years. Daily rainfall in Horsholm exceeded 10 millimetres on 3 days, the 10th, 18th and 27th. The wettest day was the 18th when 17.0 millimetres of rain fell.  Hail No hail was observed in this part of Horsholm Thunder No thunder was heard during September.


There was no sleet or snow observed in Horsholm during September.  Wind The wind during September was mainly between southwest and northwest with southwesterly winds dominating.  Apart from the 8th,  when the wind was calm for most of the day, September was often breezy, especially around the middle of the month, and again on the last day when the west to northwesterly wind was strong at times.    Fog There was no fog observed in this part of Horsholm during September.